Texas’ Board of Education will be ridiculed by pretty much everyone (including me in this post). I would make more fun of them if the consequence of their gross incompetence didn’t lead directly to irreparable harm to the next ten year’s worth of students who will be unemployable in any medical, bio medical, biology, DNA testing, stem cell research, drug research, geology, paleontology, farming, animal husbandry, crop research, or pretty much any field which requires them to understand the basics – or indeed, fine detail – of evolution.
Modern medicine, to name but just one field, doesn’t make ANY sense except if evolution is true. It’s as simple as that. There’s about as much doubt regarding evolution as there is doubt the planet is round and is orbiting our sun.
In my view (and IANAL), these students have due cause to sue the asses off the Board of Education for future earnings loss. What does a specialist medical doctor make per year? Half a million? Million per year? Multiply by all the number of students in each of these fields… whoa that’s a lot of moolah.
I call on all biology text book authors to refuse to allow “updated” editions to be issued with the forthcoming Texas changes. If the schools can’t buy any books, so be it. They can use the ones they have today that have the facts, instead of sowing doubt. Scientists everywhere should make it incredibly clear to their congress critters and senators, as well as their local Boards of Education, that this decision is about as dumb as they come.
I’m actually struggling to understand how “educated” folks, charged with the incredible responsibility of educating their state’s children could be so abusive. They should be sacked immediately and this terrible position stuck down for all time.
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