The Labor party is doomed to be a single term government. They are killing their support base – social progressives and young folks alike are abandoning ship like never before. I have never hidden my dislike for the conservative side of politics, but to totally kick sand in the face of your true believers time and time again is simply not smart.
WIth 99% of the Australian public against mandatory filtering, I just don’t see how this is a vote getter. The filter will not protect my daughter from pr0n, predators using Skype or MSN, spyware, or preventing her viewing unsavory sites. It will not block the primary mechanism for distributing child and extreme pr0n – P2P networks. There is no point to mandatory filtering except to stifle political dissent.
So why implement such an opaque scheme that’s already been abused and is open to further abuse? Who are the winners from this? Politicians don’t stick their necks out unless there’s a valid reason, and public morality is simply not one of them, especially when the idea is so repulsive to nearly all Australians except for a few ratbags. I can only imagine so it’s to shore up the crazy vote (Senator Fielding), without which Labor can’t govern.
To give some perspective, is it acceptable for the Government to:
- Discipline my child?
- Determine what my child will read, watch, or do?
- Decide on her schooling?
- Decide on her religious beliefs, or lack of them?
Government has no role in these key parenting decisions and in determining what she (and us all) will or will not see on the Internet. That’s every parents’ responsibility, and I will do it in my way – with no censorware. Her computer will be in a shared area until she can be trusted with her own, and even then… trust but verify.
Labor – you must dump Conroy now. He is a liability to you retaining the 18-40 year old vote, and indeed the 99% of folks who don’t want the Internet censored. Without this core set of voters (about 45% of the eligible voters), you’re never going to win office in your own right again.
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