Got up early and had breakfast twice, or more precisely, cocopops in the cabin and toast and coffee at the cafe.
At the petrol station, had the interesting experience of the service station attendant zooming off in his old Holden Premier before he served me. So I had to fill my own tank. There was an old lady in the office so I gave her the $20 and hoped that it would get to the dude when he came back. Probably.
After that, I drove down to Frecyinet National Park. I intended to do the saddle but knew I am out of shape. So I did the easier trails first to determine if I was fit enough to even try. The easier trails turned out to be okay, so I gave the lookout a shot.
After an hour, I made it. I’ve got the photos and sore legs to prove it. I’ll really pay for it tomorrow.
After descending, I was hungry, so I checked out Left Bank in Swansea, like my dining companion from Mt Elephant suggested. I had an excellent lemon tart and long black. I’m glad I did as Kabuki, an excellent guest house cum Japanese restaurant was closed for Devonshire tea. 🙁
Moving along, there were several really nice bays, but time was short. So I kept on driving. I even skipped Richmond.
Luckily, I was in time for the free beer! Yay!
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