[ AJV – updating this some 13 years later. For some historical background, even is no one is remotely interested in this minor blip in the timeline of a public organization, I was diagnosed with a cyst in my neck. It was deeply upsetting and uncomfortable until removed – search for “We’ve got a bleeder” for its removal when I could stand it no more. The cyst brought back sad memories and started a path of introspection and rapid de-cluttering my over the top 15-20+ hour a day existence to the barest of essentials ]
31 Jan 2001 (updated 31 Jan 2001) »
I’ve resigned as SAGE-AU President and I’m going to free myself up for things I actually enjoy.
A couple of years ago, my uncle died when he was the grand old age of 49 from cancer. At that time, he did a lot of stuff that came off as being terribly self-centred.
Now I understand.
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