Advogato – 4 March 2001

4 Mar 2001 (updated 4 Mar 2001) ยป

hackery, at last

My friend Luke, is the author of luk emftp, a portable ftp client based upon the original BSD ftp client, and is now used by default in Suse, NetBSD and a few other platforms. It is easily the best CLI-based ftp client, and I’ve used a lot of different clients. His client has Emacs or vi bindings, command completion, follows *all* the ftp RFC’s, transparent passive/active, accurate time remaining and download speed, command line URL parsing for http and ftp targets, including complex redirects … (de-akamai anyone), the list goes on and on and on.

The code, although well looked after and modified, is built upon years of cruft. I’m trying to port it to Win32 as I’m sick of having the predecessor of Luke’s code, without all the fancy features.

My compiler (Visual C++ 6.0) is at times strict and bloody minded about what it will accept and where it will accept stuff from. What doesn’t help is the extremely poorly written C library. It’s probably just enough to make most strictly POSIX utilities work, and nothing more.

Expect this effort to fizzle out on Thursday at 6.46 pm as I find something else to do. (note to self: get a longer attention span).

I’m glad someone reads me…

I had a couple of days off computers from my last post, and might have missed any replies to my reply rant to deekayen’s post. Since it was fairly offtopic (as was Deekayen’s post), I don’t mind too much ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, thanks Ankh!



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