I looked back at the “predictions” for 2010, a post I wrote five years ago, and found that besides the dramatic increase in mobile assessments this last year or two, the things I was banging on about in 2009 are still issues today:
Developer education is woeful. I recently did an education piece for a developer crowd at a client, and only two of 30 knew what XSS was, and only one of them was aware of OWASP. At least at a University event I did later on in the year, about 20% of the students were aware of OWASP, XSS, SQL injection and security. The other 80% – not so much. I hope I reached them!
Agile security is woeful. When it first came out, I was enthralled by the chance for a SDLC to be secure by default because they wrote tests. Unfortunately, many modern day practitioners felt that all non-functional requirements were in the category of “you ain’t gonna need it“, and so the state of agile SDLC security is just abysmal. There are some shops that get it, but this year, I made the acquaintance of an organisation that prides themselves on being agile thought leaders who told our mutual client they don’t need any of that yucky documentation, up front architecture or design, or indeed any security stuff, such as constraints or filling in the back of the card with non-functional requirements.
Security conferences are still woeful. Not only is there a distinct lack of diversity in many conferences (zero women speakers at Ruxcon for example), very few have “how do we fix this?” talks. Take for example, the recent CCC event in Berlin. The media latched onto talks about biometric security failing (well, duh!) and SS7 insecurity (well, duh! if you’ve EVER done any telco stuff). Where are the talks about sending biometrics to the bottom of the sea with concrete shackles or replacing SS7 with something that the ITU hasn’t interfered with?
Penetration testing still needs to improve. I accept some of the blame here, because I was unable to change the market. They still sell really well. We really need to move on from pen tests as a wasted opportunity cost for actual security. We should be selling hybrid application verifications – code reviews with integrated pen tests to sort the exploitability of vulnerabilities properly. Additionally, the race to the bottom of the barrel with folks selling 1-2 day automated tests as equivalent to a full security verification for as little money as they can. We need a way of identifying weak tests from strong tests so the market can weed out useless checkbox testing. I don’t think red teaming is the answer as it’s a complete rod length check that can cause considerable harm unless performed with specific rules of engagement, that most red team folks would think invalidates a red team exercise.
Secure supply chain is still an incomplete problem. No progress at all since 2009. Until liability is reversed from the unique position that software – unlike all other goods and services is somehow special and needs special protection (which might have been true back in the 70’s during the home brew days), it’s not true today. We are outsourcing and out-tasking more and more every day, and unless the suppliers are required to uphold standard fit for purpose rules that all other manufacturers and suppliers have to do, we are going to get more and more breaches and end of company events. Just remember, you can outsource all you like, but you can’t out source responsibility. If managers are told “it’s insecure” and take no or futile steps to remediate it, I’m sorry, but these managers are accountable and liable.
At least, due to the rapid adoption of JavaScript frameworks, we are starting to see a decline in traditional XSS. If you don’t know how to attack responsive JSON or XML API based apps and DOM injections, you are missing out on new style XSS. Any time someone tells you that security is hard to adopt because it requires so much refactoring, point them at any responsive app that started out life a long time ago. There’s way more refactoring in changing to responsive design and RESTful API than adding in security.
Again, due to the adoption of frameworks, such as Spring MVC and so on, we are starting to see a slight decline in the number of apps with CSRF and SQL injection issues. SQL injection used to be about 20-35% of all apps I reviewed in the late 2000’s, and now it’s fairly rare. That said, I’ve had some good times in 2014 with SQL injection.
The only predictions I will make for 2015 is a continued move to responsive design, using JavaScript frameworks for web apps, a concerted movement towards mobile first apps, again with a REST backend, and an even greater shift towards cloud, where there is no perimeter firewall. Given the lack of security architecture and coding knowledge out there, we really must work with the frameworks, particularly those on the backend like node.js and others, to protect front end web devs from themselves. Otherwise, 2015 will continue to look much like 2009.
So the best predictions are those you work on to fix. To that end, I was recently elected by the OWASP membership to the Global Board as an At Large member. And if nothing else – I am large!
- I will work to rebalance our funding from delivering most of OWASP’s funds directly back to the members who are paying us a membership fee who then don’t spend the allocated chapter funds, but instead, become focussed on building OWASP’s relevance and future by spending around 30% building our projects, standards, and training, 30% on outreach, 30% on membership, and 10% or less for admin overheads.
- I will work towards ensuring that we talk to industry standards bodies and deal OWASP into the conversation. We can’t really complain about ISO, NIST, or ITU standards if they don’t have security SMEs to help draft these standards, can we?
- I will work towards redressing the diversity both in terms of gender and region in our conferences, as well as working towards creating a speaker list so that developer conferences can look through to provide invited talks to great local appsec experts. We have so many great speakers with so much to say, but we have to get outside the echo chamber!
- We have to increase our outreach to universities. We’ve lost the opportunity to train the folks who will become the lead devs and architects in the next 5-10 years, but we can work with the folks coming behind them. Hopefully, we can invest time and effort into addressing outreach to those folks already in the industry in senior/lead developer and architect and business analyst roles, but in terms of immediate bang for buck, we really need to address university level education to the few “ethical hacking” courses (which is a trade qualification), and work on building in security knowledge to the software engineers and comp sci students of the future. Ethical hacking courses have a place … for security experts, but for coders, they are a complete waste of time. Unless you are doing offensive security as your day job, software devs do not need to know how to discover vulnerabilities and code exploits, except in the most general of ways.
It’s an exciting time, and I hope to keep you informed of any wins in this area.
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