Tarting up

I have had a bit of a fiddle with the stylesheets, not very auccessfully though. Be buggered if I can work out how to get rid of those dark grey borders. Does anyone have some css mastery?

I have put a field in to record our starting weights and the current weights, if we all have an oline confessional I can fill them in….

Inger start: 86.4
Inger now: 84.6


I have been feeling a bit off the wagon, haven’t actually done anything *bad* but haven’t been exercising. Will have to take you up on your offer of helping with the gardening Andrew….


2 responses to “Tarting up”

  1. Jacques Kosky Avatar
    Jacques Kosky

    Whats next Inga? 46.8?

  2. inger Avatar

    hey – I’ll take every 0.1 that I can manage!

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