shopping by the book

I took Big Red’s advice this morning and worked out a menu plan for the week based on the book but substituting to make it mostly vegie.

It was super quick to do the shopping and I saved about 30 bucks off my normal grocery bill. I think Paul is a living example of following the books – so I aim to lose at least 1kg this week by being organised and a raving WW points nutter.

How are you going Andrew? Did you weigh in?


4 responses to “shopping by the book”

  1. Big Red Avatar
    Big Red

    Did you end up trusting the WW list, or create your own? I assume the latter, given that you had to mix and match. Would you say that combined, the time to do the list and menu preparation at home, as well as the super quick shopping was less than you would normally spend on the shopping?

  2. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Did my earlier comment make it in?

  3. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Did you end up trusting the WW list, or create your own? I assume the latter, given that you had to mix and match. Would you say that combined, the time to do the list and menu preparation at home, as well as the super quick shopping was less than you would normally spend on the shopping?

  4. inger the binger Avatar
    inger the binger

    I created my own list which took about half an hour because I was changing the menus around, consulting other books and piggy backing it off what I already had in the cupboard etc. Still I think it was quicker then normal, even with that extra time, because I wasn’t wandering aimlessly around. I also just had a very nice lunch of roast chicken and salad which I wouldn’t have thought of making if I hadn’t seen it in one of the books. I highly recommend your strategy Paul!

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