I scored +0.1 kg last night, which is well down on my past performance. But, I guess, as they say in those ads for investment products, “past performance is no guarantee of future return”. Note that I’m not pissed off at putting on 100 grams (as we deomnstrated last night anyway, the calibration of their scales was a little out (see my comments on environmental factors earlier in this blog (hey Noddy, can you link to earlier blog entries???)))
On the ride home, I started thinking about why the weight loss would have stopped. Strangely enough, Cathi has put a little bit on in the past week as well, and we had a chat about it when I got home (well, after Queer Eye had finished).
Cathi made two salient points:
(a) I had not been so religious/anal in noting down my points consumed over the last week
(b) I had been nowhere near 26 points (my daily points intake) on some days
Combining these two things, I wrote doen my points for Monday, added them up, and found that I was sitting on 20 points. Hmmm. Easy fixed. Some rice crackers, a muffin with vegemite, and a cremé çaramél later, everything was under control.
When thinking about it, I have noticed that I have been quite hungry at work, and oftentimes ravenous at breakfast time, over the last week or so. This morning, not hugely hungry at brekkie, and feeling quite content at the moment (food wise anyway) in the office. This week, I will religiously stick to 26 pints (±0.5 point) and see what difference that makes.
BTW, well done Donna on your loss, and also to the Nodster: 2.2 kg after a fortnight of setback AND surviving your parents’ BBQ!
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