Exercise buddies

Hey rapidly diminishing blips on the calorie radar

If any of you need an exercise buddy then i am up for any form of exercise that doesnt involve throwing, catching, batting or any of those stupid ball sports (except for 10 pin bowling and pool). So if anyone wants to do a bike ride, bush walk, inline skate (i have 2 spare sets of inlines) swim (esp surf), scuba dive, canoe, run repeatedly into a brick wall or whatever then i am your EB/personal trainer/drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket (You filthy donut eating scum sucking maggots give me 10).

Alternatively all of you are welcome to join me in my own exercise endeavours:

Monday ; Pilates (down the rd from WW)
Tuesday ; Kung Fu
Thursday ; Kung Fu
Saturday ; Kung Fu
Sunday ; Yoga


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