What we will not do when Noddy loses 57kg

I had a dream this morning. I dreamt that Noddy had reached his goal weight, and so we organized a big shindig to celebrate. We hired out a church/community hall, and invited heaps of people along. For some reason, Noddy was insistent that Michael Bolton be the live music act, so we got him along too, but it all turned a bit sour when it became apparent that he was lip syncing. Rule number 1 for artists lip syncing: never leave the microphone to pick up a choclate bar wrapper and still have your singing come through the PA. The Luke had orgaized a video show of Noddy, through the various stages of weight loss. The first video clip that Luke had was when Noddy was a volunteer firefighter, and was on a roof rescuing a cat. All of the usual safety lines had been set up, but Noddy slipped, and fell off the roof. The lines caught him, and he swung into a tree, which then fell over and landed on a BBQ where it caught fire. I don’t remember anything else, because I woke up then trying not to cack myself laughing…


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