Lunch today

In contrast with last night’s effort, lunch today was a bit of a disaster. In fact, most of today has. I had my lunch early as I was feeling hungry, and then I realized I was to go out for lunch. The second lunch consisted of sweetcorn and shrimp soup with coriander (yum) — small bowl — any guesses on the points? I’ve lumping for three, but happy to take corrections. Wine also consisted of four points of lunch. Or, I think I got that the wrong way around. Lunch also consisted of four points of wine. Bummer dude.


2 responses to “Lunch today”

  1. inger the binger Avatar
    inger the binger

    so do you reckon stress is one of your triggers?

  2. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Stress is what wants me to pull a trigger

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