I’m now down to a BMI of 27.2. For the hell of it, I worked out the next milestone BMIs for myself:

27 95.4
26 91.9 (note that at 94.6 I will have lost 20% of my starting mass!)
25 88.4

To hit a BMI of 23 (in theory the mid range, although I suspect that would make me a bit too scarily skinny) I would need to hit 81.3kg. (too light?).

Strangely, WW says my 25 BMI is 87kg. Perhaps I was having a short night when they measured me 🙂 (I’m assuming 188cm, but 1.87cm does hit 87 kg, in which case my BMIs would be 27 == 94.4; 26 == 90.9, and 25 == 87.4)


3 responses to “On BMI”

  1. Andrew Purple People Eater Avatar
    Andrew Purple People Eater

    Considering we weigh in clothes (and now shoes), 87 kg at WW will make you skinny in real life.

    For example, last night I weighed in at 133.2 kg, and I’m 129.0 kg on my scales at home.

    Paul, as you have access to the scales before we arrive, maybe you could nuddy up for us, and check out the bare differences? 😉

    Good to see Keith at WW. Sorry for piking!


  2. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    A skinny Big Red, huh? 😉 Didn’t I see you slip off the shoes last night, Mr AJV? 😉

    I still think that is all to do with trends rather than spot readings for weight.

    I said to KK last night that you would be able to provide him with a login for the blog. I would have to say that a good portion of my success is thanks to this blog.

    As far as nude-up is concerned, I did not know that you were aware of the the Cleansing Ritual for the hall performed before each meeting? For God’s sake, don’t tell anyone.

  3. Andrew Purple People Eater Avatar
    Andrew Purple People Eater


    I took a lot of things off, but not my shoes. I’ve always been weighed – and I pride myself in this – in one particular pair of shoes. You don’t know how hard that is, especially as I have a shit memory and three pairs of work shoes.


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