This could be ugly

Consider the following facts:

1. A total absence of any decent exercise since last WW;
2. A schmooze-y work dinner on Tuesday night;
3. Dinner out with some friends with (I only realized it later) mashed spuds with *cream* and butter
4. Enagagement/housewarming bash on Saturday arvo for the genetically aligned, which included a piece of black forest cake, and a piece of cream sponge (not to mention chips)
5. Some chocloate based sinning on a stressful Friday last week.

Here are some interesting reflections from this:

1. Chips don’t taste as good as I remember them (of either the packet or hot varieties)
2. After Saturday’s excess, I ended up walking around feeling quite ill for the rest of Sat night (could only manage one apple) and Sunday for most of the day (only had some pumpkin soup for brunch (with some bread rolls), and a light hoisin stirfry for dinner
3. Following one beer and four glasses of red whine on the Tuesday night, I felt mildly hungover on Wednesday. And on Tuesday night, at about 11pm, as Noddy will attest, I was quite pissed. I’m not sure if it’s the weight loss, or the relative recent lack of alocohol which led to my quite frightening inebriation.
4. On Sunday afternoon, despite still feeling as though I were carrying a couple of bricks in my stomach, we got out for a walk just before the heavens opened, and the exercise was sorely needed….
5. Goddamn, black forest cake is nice 🙂


3 responses to “This could be ugly”

  1. Jacques Jacques Food Shark Avatar
    Jacques Jacques Food Shark

    Yeah I reckon tonight might be ugly.

    I had homemade pizza at Glenda’s for lunch on Saturday followed by some late afternoon Cheesecake from The Cheesecake shop. The pizza was a shop crust (thin) with mozerella, ham etc. (no anchovies though).
    Tried not to eat up big on Sunday and did a cracker yoga session in the afternoon but i dont think it will be enough to save me tonight. Pity i was good apart from Saturday.

    Holy Pointorama Fatman. Anyone out there knowledgeable enough to tally up the points on my afternoon?

    (Harry Potter film was good though)

  2. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    You can see the trailer for the new Harry Potter film here:

  3. inger Avatar

    I sympathise, I think winter is the hardest time for us ‘slimmers’ – I have been really good as a side effect of trying to be less ‘food focussed’ and walking everywhere that I can on errands etc. My jeans fit easily again which tells me that it has some effect but last night I had a major blowout of the homemade pizza variety. I let myself get too hungry after a very light lunch which was disasterous at dinner time… I am hoping it wont show on this weigh in 🙂 next week for sure 🙁

    writing papers for conference frenzy has subsided for a week so I will be there tonight for the full indoctrination.

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