Well, it’s been one of those days. Careful, it’s a bit gross.
First, I woke up with a snuffly nose. I know who gave this to me, and she’s going to die if her own cold doesn’t get her first.
Second, I was putting my shoes on, and the heel of my left shoe parted company with the sole. Bastard!
(Look away if you’re squeamish)
Third, I was finishing a nasty dump at work. I stood up, adjusted my clothes, and … *** plop ***. Looking down, my pedometer which I had been trying to wear was in with the nastiest of nasty stuff. Sayonara. Well, could I flush the bugger? No. So I had to go groping in the bowl for it. I washed my hands really really well after this one. There’s water on the inside – I don’t think it’ll be the same ever again.
What a waste.
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