I don’t know why but after being illl for a few days, I can’t get back into the swing of things.
I went to work today for the first time since Tuesday last week, and that seemed to have helped. But I also P’d some time against the wall importing all the old Moveable Type blog entries here. MT was pissing me off – so many link spams. I’ve never had one here, so I moved all the posts from the two blogs here. It’s interesting to re-read some of my old posts.
The book for A-W is definitely needed. Security Architecture is just so undefined – it’s a wide open field.
OWASP Guide is also lagging – need to kick off the 2.0.2 edits and get that out the door. I’ve been playing around with InDesign to see if I can make a better looking export. The 2.0.1 print from Word is primitive.
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