Munich – Friday

I landed in Munich and waited to pick up my luggage. The new airport feels like one big BMW ad. There’s BMW everywhere, so at least I had something to look at. Eventually my bag came, and I headed out. I met up with Steve Riehm, who is hosting me in Munich. When I was organizing the last minute trips, I did not know that Munich is hosting a goodly percentage of the soccer World Cup, so all the flights were full and mine was no exception. That’s why I had to travel to Munich a day earlier than I expected.

The weather in Munich is even worse than that in St Anna, which is hard to top. Steve cranked on the heated seats in his beemer, and I was toasty in seconds. 🙂

After dropping my crap at his place, we geeked around a bit and then headed into town for a look see. I took heaps of photos, which can be found in the Gallery, here:

After walking around Munich for a few hours, my footsies were a bit sore. Luckily, there was a pub only a little distance away, so we ended up eating there, and again, I was surprised to find that Visa is not accepted widely in this fairly first world nation. Unbelievable. After a few really nice beers and some roast suckling pig and crackling (the Germans know how to do pork!), Steve bundled me home on the excellent public transport here. If only Melbourne had such good public transport!

We traded Euros for Australian dollars as the Travellex rate was insanely bad. My normal savings card didn’t work here, despite the ATM I used having a Cirrus logo. So beware if you come from a place like Australia where everyone uses electronic cash and come to a place like Munich, where it’s hard to use your own money. I wonder how many tourists to the World Cup are going to be bitten … coming here with only a tad of real money like me, and expecting to use ATMs and EFTPOS as per normal.

We watched a movie – Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Awesome film noir / comic / kitsch. Get it!


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