Well, that was Day 3 of Defcon out of the road. I didn’t get to see too many actual talks due to the hallway track being far more interesting than the actual three track program. Again, few webappsec talks, and some were repeats of the BH talks I’d already seen.
I caught up with a few fine folks, including Jeremiah Grossman, TC, RSnake, Arian Evans (possibly the funniest infosec guy I’ve ever met!), Dinis and more! It was a total hoot, and we did a lot of good work^Wdrinking.
The more esoteric talks were right up there. I wanted to go to Peter Gutmann’s talk on phishing, but unfortunately it was far too early after the night before. Luckily, I have the slides in PDF form, and soon we will have the DVD at work, so that’s no biggie.
The biggest change is the venue. The new location at the Riveria is excellent – it’s still old and crusty which is a la Defcon at Alexis Park, but it has *air conditioning* and it can handle zillions of geeks in the manner which they are accustomed – ie without bathing.
However, the smoking problem is worse than ever. I made my most valiant of efforts to kill them all using my onion ring with crab cake special edition flatus, but unfortunately, it backfired late at night thus causing me more grief than any of the smokers. When will conference organizers equate smokers == law suits for obvious and gross negligence when the dangers of said disgusting habit are well known?
In other news, Tanya picked up a huge stogy for her old man.
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