This lunchtime, I did something I’ll probably later regret: creating a new project. As if I don’t have enough on my plate already.
The idea has been rattling around my head for a while – I use Eclipse nearly all day, and I figured that Eclipse is a great toolchain hosting platform. It gets rid of some of the issues surrounding the re-platforming of WebScarab Classic features to NG, which seems to have been stalled for a long time, and adds more of its own issues, such as what will I do with other projects I have commitments such as ESAPI for PHP and the OWASP Guide.
The biggest challenge is the initial muck work of porting software not designed for Eclipse to Eclipse in a reasonable way and not getting side tracked with all the great ideas I’ve got – all of which rely upon the engine and basic functionality to exist prior to even starting them.
There’s a lot of ideas I want to get into a tool, and so if you’re interested in helping, please call by the Google Code site:
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