Although I am unable to attend, I hope you can attend the OWASP EU Summit, to be held next week in Portugal.
There’s going to be lots of discussion about OWASP’s various projects, and work out futures for all of them. It’s going to be a defining event in OWASP’s existence, and I wish I could have been there.
You can find out more about the summit here:
I’ve left my run fairly late for the projects I contribute to (the OWASP Guide, Top 10, Coding Standard, etc), which is a shame, but since chairing a session requires some dedication and time, I couldn’t find folks on the ground in time to replace me. There was talk of me presenting remotely via Skype, but I haven’t followed that up, and the calendar looks very full. We’ll see if there’s a way I contribute in other ways.
I still need fresh victims^H^H^H^H^H volunteers for the OWASP Developer Guide, Top 10 2009, and Coding Standard. Please e-mail me vanderaj @ owasp . org if you can help write a paragraph or two per day.
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