As security researchers, I think we’ve let down users in the quest to close down questionable and unlikely events. The problem is that even though unlikely, these events – such as MITM attacks – work nearly 100% of the time. They make great demos to scare folks who don’t understand what they’re seeing. It’s a shame that they just don’t occur in the real world all that often. So let’s move beyond “Expire it after 10 minutes”, and to a session manager that actually helps the business and makes users love you, and really close out some of these attacks.
The reasoning behind 10 minutes is a balance between the business (who’d prefer no time outs really and would love to have a magic “remember me” function that is somehow secure) and Tin Foil freaks like me who know how incredibly simple MITM, session fixation, and session hijacking can be. Many of the goals of our advice has been based on 1970’s standards and thinking, and 1990’s type of attacks that still work, primarily because we’ve been asking for the wrong solutions, like short time outs and don’t let users log on twice.
As Dr Phil says, “How’s that working out for you?”
So let’s think about ways to improve session managers to blunt the known attacks. We know that TLS has issues with MITM attacks, but we’re very lucky that this is a local attack (for now). Such attacks are also exceedingly unlikely outside of security conference wireless networks, and motivated attacks on behalf of organized crime (very rare but devastating – see TJ Maxx).
However, some of the other assumptions we’ve made when recommending bad ideas usually don’t think about the user of the application. My wife does all of our shopping online. The system is awful. It times out within a short period of time, and it usually takes 4 to 5 attempts to finish an order. I’m sure there’s some poor risk manager going “WTF? PCI is stupid – we have to implement 10 minute time outs for a process that lasts 30-40 minutes?” Let’s move beyond quick fire “gimme” penetration test results, and think about HOW the USER is impacted when we make recommendations with our consultancy hats on.
What goes wrong if it takes 40 minutes to assemble a shopping list? Do we have a financial loss? No. Do we have a reputation loss. Yes. Do we have a shareholder loss. No. Do we have a privacy impact? No. Do we have a regulatory impact? Only if you consider PCI DSS a regulation worthy of its name. What can we do to make it better?
With the online shopping example, losses start when we can order stuff. Easy! Keep everything intact (and allow items to be placed in and removed from the cart), but make the user re-authenticate to purchase or see their profile if it’s been more than 10 minutes. But with 100% of session managers today, that very act is impossible without significant customizations and we all know there’s some B List pen tester willing to ping you on long timeouts if you do write that secondary all singing all dancing session manager. THINK BEFORE YOU RECOMMEND RECEIVED WISDOM!
Realistically, we need to set some baseline parameters for every session manager.
- Strong. Session tokens should be random enough to resist being brute forced in a reasonable time frame. I still see this although it’s been solved on most platforms since 1996 or so.
- Controlled. Session managers should only accept their own session tokens.
- Session hijacking resistant. Session managers should rotate their tokens from time to time automatically. Every five minutes is fine, as is every request as long as there’s a sliding window of acceptable tokens to allow the most used button (Back) to work. All frameworks should possess a regenerate token API – it’s ridiculously hard in all frameworks but PHP today.
- Session hijacking resistant. Session managers should watch headers carefully and reject requests that don’t perfectly match up with previous requests. There is no reason for a user agent or a bunch of other headers (upto and including REMOTE_ADDR) to change within a session.
- CSRF proof. Session managers should tie themselves to requests, and check that the session and forms match up. OWASP CSRF Guard can do it, and realistically, this should be standard in every session manager.
- Cloudy Web Farm support. It’s very hard to do federated session state with most session managers, and yet the hackiest solutions I’ve seen for getting around this issue is due primarily to the isolated session manager mentality. There are good last writer wins replication mechanisms around, including “deliver at least once” – not everyone needs this functionality, but those who do really need it badly. This can be used as a pre-cursor to…
- Notifications. Most SSO products use work arounds so that the primary session manager times out before the SSO token does. This means that their are active SSO sessions you could reconnect to if you know what you’re doing. Let’s make it easy for folks like Ping to get notified when regenerate, idle, absolute and logout events occurs.
- Adaptive timeouts. Sessions that “expire” should be put into a slush pool, that comes alive again up to an absolute limit. But the instant that a user wants to perform a value transaction, the session manager should require re-authentication.
- Integration with common SSO protocols. SAML and WS-Federation are the two most popular SSO mechanisms out there. Realistically, all session managers should be aware of how these work, and tie into them strongly so that if folks use SAML/WS-Federation, this can be tied to the session token in use. How many times have we seen these two operate in completely separate worlds and then been a target for replay, session expiry and other attacks.
- Destroy means destroy. Make it easy for devs to do the right thing when the user clicks logout. Not only clear the session properly, but also all associated copies of that token – headers, cookies, DOM, etc, etc.
Notice that I didn’t put one of the lazy pen tester’s favorites in the above list – “Logging on more than once”. I REALLY don’t care about that. I care about what VALUE TRANSACTIONS you can do within the assigned sessions. If there’s a problem with value transactions, preventing two sessions at once isn’t going to save your bacon. Transaction signing / SMS authentication / re-authentication will help, or if it’s about resource consumption, then transaction governors like in ESAPI will help. THINK BEFORE YOU PUT STUPID THINGS IN YOUR REPORTS.
Many of these items are in ESAPI. That’s awesome, but it would be nice if all session managers dealt with sessions to support users and business uses, rather than obscure and unlikely attacks.
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