[ This is the progenitor of the Speaker’s Dinner at LCA. Such humble beginnings! – ajv 190213 ]
21 Jan 2001 (updated 21 Jan 2001) ยป
LCA speaker’s BBQ
Had a great time organising this, managed to get a goodly percentage of the open source mavens in one place eating all the same food under a huge tree in my back yard which might blow down one day. You can tell I’m in security because I wondered if it was a good idea to have so many really talented people in the one spot at one time.
I missed skud not coming, but we had a good time nonetheless. Skud sounded crap on voicemail, so it was probably better that she tried to recover before flying anywhere. Flying with a cold is like torture; I hate it with a vengenace. I’ve just got over a really nasty bout of flu, and I think I might have passed it along to Skud and Ang, my flatmate’s girlfriend, who now has a sore throat.
We had fun getting our guests working on WaveLAN as Linux seemed real finicky about ad-hoc mode. FreeBSD didn’t have any problems and Greg Lehey got it working shortly after powering up. Luckily, Tridge had his Apple basestation with him, and that made the Linux guys work fine. Dan wired up his 8 port 10/100 MB switch, daisy chaining off my identical switch. Very geek-studly today.
Managed to keep up with Raph, and showed him pnm2ppa actually working on my Alpha, something I hadn’t seen for a while. Talked to him about Ghostscript features PPA printers (and all inkjets) need. We agreed that further talking on this issue is necessary. I’m going to try and import the ppa portion of the driver into GS 7.0 as a dynamically loaded module, but due to the worse CMYK and dithering algorithms in GS, the output will be worse than pnm2ppa does at the moment.
The bizarre moment du jour pour moi is watching Alan Cox playing SSX (snowboarding game) on Mr Playstation 2. Folks, Alan is a human, and a nice one at that. ๐
Last note for the Australians: we didn’t run out of beer, and we didn’t run out of food. I qualify this BBQ as a success. ๐
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