Advogato – 11 October 2000

11 Oct 2000 (updated 11 Oct 2000) »

stupidity, Network Solutions-style

Say hello to “der Stock, Andrew van”. Network Solutions have plenty to answer for. I just want to update my NIC handle and put in the address I actually live at in my record, and whilst I’m at it, change my e-mail address to refer to the domain I bought *TWO YEARS AGO* instead of the originating account and maybe even sort out the fact I have three words in my surname, not two.

Is it too hard to have a human look at these things? I’m sure if NSI charged money for updating details, it would be actually possible to do so.


Still no XFree86 patches. I know they exist, but… sigh


Working through an issue. Hopefully will have something decent to report soon after November 25 on Advogato.


Is outrageous – have arbitary Friday deadline. Hate crunch mode.


Buzzing along nicely. New toy is just fine! 🙂


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