Author: inger

  • new program details anyone?

    Can someone give a precis of the meeting on Monday night since I missed it? I am eager to hear the new low carbs thing as I think it might be the key to my own weight loss.

    I really didn’t want to miss the meeting – despite ‘bad’ week last week due to too much takeaway and stress trying to get my penultimate masters presentation together. But we have had two lots of friends over from the states and much socialising has been happening. I have really been making sure I get a walk in almost everyday which is mitigating some of the damage I hope….

  • my bad

    I was listening to the radio this morning and heard bits of an interview with the guy who did the film ‘supersize me!’ about macca’s which I think Paul mentioned ages ago. The website is here.

    It will be out on June 12th. We should *definately* all go don’t you reckon?

    Good call on the exercise thing ajv – I have been making a concious effort to walk to and from the station this week. I am noticing the difference in how I feel more then anything else.

    ok, I had a ‘crunch’ bar today (while under the crunch for my masters pres). It was 45g’s of rather average chocolate, but it hit the spot for that *have to have chocolate* moment and seemed to be the least evil choice in the machine upstairs. Does anyone know how many points it is?

    And I had Indian last night, I tried to mitigate the damage by having a small portion and passed on the rice/samosas/naan bread/chutney etc.

    As Jacques points out – each ‘sin’ wipes out at least 3 ‘goods’ – so I will have to walk hard for the rest of the week and not have any more lazy food….

  • well done Paul ! – you are making my paltry 3.5 seem even more pathetic 🙁

    Sorry about the no show last night, been fighting off this cold all week and just felt too tired and over it to do anything more after I got home last night…I have been pretty good though, and I have upped the exercise by incorporating it in my daily routine by walking to the station to catch the train (20 mintues each way) with B instead of being lazy and grabbing the tram out front. I also went to the zoo with B today and walked around for an hour or so. I am going to *try* at least to do it everyday.

    Cooking zuchinni slice tonight – 3 points a piece – bargain!

  • a cry for help

    Paul, I wish I was like you but I find only one ‘bad’ day can lead to gains. Maybe this is another thing that sucks about being a chick? We sure love to hang onto those fat cells (in order to survive a famine I guess, whereas the males are expendable? :).

    Anyway I have no doubt a gain as I had a kids party food blow out of major poportions on Saturday – about 9 pts on sausage rolls plus too many chips. That night I had dinner at Donna’s place, so it wasn’t at the usual toddler friendly 6pm but at the more sophisticated time of 9:30pm…. luckily her small brush with ww has meant the food wasn’t as bad as it used to be in terms of points (alas the woman is the best cook I know and her food is delicous. It was good to see that being lower in fat she is still managing to make it taste fabulous). But – as I have worked out, eating late is really bad for me – it has happened four times this week due to a number of circumstances (mostly around a pressing deadline).

    I went into full on damage control on Sunday but a late dinner (pasta, carbs after 8pm not good) due to a wacky schedule probably only made matters worse I suspect.

    I am getting really frustrated as it isn’t one major thing but a series of small obstacles that together make a bad picture. Combined with the no time for exercise (and this isn’t just laziness I promise, I have a big presentation at the end of the month for my masters submission and I am shitting myself over it).
    I really actually don’t want to go tonight because i fear the scales. Does anyone have a ‘no record’ card? I don’t think I can take another gain tonight but I know that when I feel like this it is the time that you really *have* to go…..

  • Make mine gelatine

    celery log.bmp

    I finally found that link to the 70’s weight watchers cards jacques. Contains many delights, including celery log above. Unfortunately they don’t have the recipes. Dang. Enjoy 🙂

    The guided tour rocks…

    (my favourite is this one. Cried I tell you. Gonna put a perma link on sidebar for this site)

  • pizza addiction

    I knew it was worse then I thought…

  • Jeans are my friend

    I know what you mean Paul. This morning I put on my freshly laundered jeans and they did up easily. They had shrunk from Luke had putting them through the drier as I requested – part of the ‘keeping on track’ mentality I am trying to foster…

    All day they have had that comfy ‘second skin’ feeling that is so good about your favourite (well fitting) jeans. As Jacques and I were discussing the other day, things like this mean you have more invested in not having a blow out.

    I am beginning to feel completely comfortable with one serve of carbs in the evening. Also measuring out the rice and pasta when I serve it onto the plate rather then ‘guessing’.

    Andrew came over last night. I cooked a 4 point dinner and we talked about the lure of the ‘golden arches’. I suggested buying lean cuisines and taking the next exit off the freeway. Any other suggestions?

    I feel really good about this week, I hope I don’t get a smack down……

  • what Jacques and Inger did next…

    After a virtuous and filling lunch of chicken noodle soup at the vietnamese noodle house, Jacques and I went to “Max Beerbum’s chocolate bar” at Queen Vic. What a fantastic chocolate experience is to be had there. A shared pot of chocolate fondue and six strawberries a piece was worth every bit of its 4 points – and one of those is a fruit point and all!

    We highly recommend – as Jacques says : “A sin shared is a sin halved”

    mmm - strawberry - chocolatey goodness.jpg
    mmmm – strawberry chocolatey goodness…..

    smaller j.jpg

    Jacques in chocolate heaven

    inger - death by chocolate.jpg

    I get a little over excited … (can you blame me?)

    On a more serious note – this is the type of chocolate experience that the ww magazines always crap on about – small on quantity, big on quality. Really satisfying without too much guilt (in fact none if it is budgetted for eh?)

  • more rounded then ever

    mmmmm…..easter eggs. Now I have to be in ‘povo mode’ with my points for the reat of the week. But it was worth I tell you – worth it!

    How was your easter Jacques?

  • 2.3 less of me.

    The only good thing about having to bail last night was that I had a ww compliant dinner of baked beans on toast 🙂 It really was a 2 parent job that toddler evac, it took two verbatim renditions of “where the wild things are” with Luke doing the sound effects to get him to stop *screaming* all the way home….

    ….tired and hungry is a deadly combination, as us ww-ers surely know…..

    Thanks for the praise guys. To be perfectly honest I haven’t been tracking with the same zeal as I was for the last couple of weeks. Call it superstition but whenever I write down every last thing I put on weight! I put the success down to the portion size at night thing as well as eating fruit (when you think about the old metabolism actually it makes sense). Also helped by the fact that I was able to get a bit of moderate exercise in now my toe is feeling better (not normal yet, but getting there).

    I *bet* I will put weight on in the coming week, its just how it works. But I am going to try to minimise any gain or keep it steady by continuing to be careful at night and keeping my carb intake to only 5 serves a day. I have also atomised the protien over every meal and try to get at least a half an hour walk in each day to try to get the metabolism moving along again.

    I took B to the zoo this morning soon I really got my walk in. About half way through the hour I bought B an ice-cream but this did not present a ww challenge. You see it was milo flavoured and his two very favourite things are milo and icecream. Everytime I begged him for a taste he yelled “No mummy! Mine! Yummy!”. Eventually he relented and let me have the most measly bit off the end of the spoon, that was a poofteenth of a point but it was yummy 🙂

    btw, I put a link to the login page on the side bar.