Author: inger

  • take the (nearly skinhead) bowling

    Today I did much better – even got all my fruit down! I had a moment at 3:30pm where I thought – “hmmm. snackie cakes” but then remembered my banana and had that instead. This got me through until teatime at 7pm and I didn’t snack while I made dinner either.

    I think I might be a convert to this fruit thing. We’ll see how it goes on the scales though….

    Don’t know if everyone is reading the comments on J’s post about a below 100kg party and going bowling. So far it is looking like Sunday is the most likely day and bowling in the evening. Since J has yoga (your fitness regimen astounds me Jacques!) at 4:30pm how does 7pm suit? Either Crown or Melb central have the facilities.

    My food diary is in the extended bit for those that can be bothered>

  • and I have a pimple

    For some reason I had one of those ‘hard to stop eating’ days. I don’t know if it is because I am around the house on Tuesdays or whether it is ‘that time of the month’ (which usually sends me into a fat/carbo frenzy). But at least today I got my fruit happening, well 2 serves at least.

    Over in the points today, have to cut back over the next few….

  • And in the grand tradition of Inger tracking….

    I gained weight! only 0.4kgs but still…. I am going to keep tracking here though, I think it helps.

    2 x raisen toast and lf spread 4
    coffee and milk/sugar 1
    pasta with bacon matriciana (yum) homemade 8
    home made fried rice x 2 cups (one before weigh in and one after) 6
    1 x glass of red wine.

    total 20 points

    again no fruit 🙁 I plan to start my fruit plan tomorrow. I am going to measure out the amount on a plate and make sure it is eaten by the end of the day.

    I am going around to a friend’s place to check out her new baby tomorrow. I am going to take around some morning tea and lunch. I thought I would take a fruit platter, some rice crackers and make this delicious salmon and ricotta dip that my step mother made on the weekend.

    Can you think of any other good ‘breast feeding foods’ that I should take Paul? Seeing as how I was one of those e-ville bottle feeders I don’t have a clue 🙂

  • too many carbs maketh the woman

    Thx for the data Ajv – my first reaction was “September – no way!” but then – september is better then never isn’t it? At leas it is before my step brother’s wedding. My step sister (not the one getting married) and I have a pact to “lose it” by then as it is bound to be filled with blonde, skinny chicks….

    boring food today.

    1 toast with 1 tspoon of lf cream cheese and vegemite 2
    left over cheese and mac 7
    capari and soda 2 (yum)
    no bacon cabonara 8 (made with egg, tomato, oinon, parsley, garlic and a small amount of feta cheese)

    total 19

    and last night I had some dry cereal because I couldn’t find the m & ms…

    (I think I see the problem I am having with weightloss btw. Not so much points but food variation. There are waaay too many carbs here. And probably too much dairy. *sigh* looks like I will have to start eating that fruit after all….)

  • the daily scare report

    Hey good one Andrew. I am worried about your sugar free gum habit though 😉

    I am noticing that I don’t eat fruit. I don’t hate it – I just find it boring. I wonder if this is a problem? Any thoughts?

    one egg, poached 1
    piece of toast, no butter with vegemite 1
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    .5 ish cup of rice 2
    chicken curry 5 (rather disgusting, I didn’t finish it. I checked before I ordered that it was not cooked in coconut milk or with ghee. They are obviously what usually makes bought chicken curry worth eating…)
    homecooked mac and cheese, WW style 8

    total: 18

    Under today to make up for the bit of overclocking on Tuesday. Though I might have 20gs of m and ms if I can find them later, with a cup of tea.

  • just to bore you shitless

    Hey Andrew – what about our pact dude?!

    Today I ate:
    leftovers of curry 5
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    a salad roll with feta cheese (made it myself)6
    caffe latte, skinny 1
    meatballs 2
    lentils 3
    rice 2

    total 20pts.

    (and she was *still* hungry)
    (sorry, brendan insisted on my reading TVHC about 10 times tonight. If only I could be a catapiller. On saturday he ate “one piece of chocolate cake, one icecream cone, pne pickle, one slice of swiss chees, one slice of salami, one lolliepop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and a slice of water melon….”)
    (but then again that night he did have a big stomach ache)

  • what inger’s tummy did next

    crunching my way through 20 grams of m&ms (1.5 pts) as afternoon treaties they rock – it feels like a lot of chocolate if you eat them slowly…

    My weekly totals fyi Andrew are:

    wk1 86.6
    wk2 85.2
    wk3 84.6
    wk4 84.2
    wk5 85.4
    wk6 comp
    wk7 84.2
    wk8 84.1
    wk9 comp
    wk10 83.4

    Total loss 3.2 kg – graph me! Tell me I will make it soon!

    (oh the struggle of the 10 kg loss vs the 50kg :/
    On the bright side I am one third of the way there already.)

    Been trackin’ like a mad mother (which I am at times) today. True to my pact with Andrew and Paul I am blogging everything I eat in order to be sure I track. Feel free to skip it, it already looks like it is going to be a boring week of blogs with this as content. Though I rely on you all for smart arsed comments 🙂

    So far:
    1 egg 1
    1 english muffin 2
    coffee with milk and sugar 1
    toddler party snacks
    .5 of a piece of sultana bread 1
    butter on the s.b 1
    party size sausage roll 3
    (I looked tthe sr up when I got home. At the time I thought it was only about 1.5 pts. bugger)
    2 rice cakes 1
    low fat cream cheese 1
    turkey breast 30g 1
    20g m&ms 1.5

    total so far: 13
    total allowed 20-22

    plans for dinner – something asiany. Going down to Victoria St abbotsford with my step sister to shop so will pick up something tasty and low fat.

    rock on dudes.

    How are you going with the tracking ajv? I will upload the pix soon, what is the adress to post them to the page automagically?

  • I want something’s flesh!

    Luke went out to the car show last night so I took the oppotunity to cook a beef casserole….which I do maybe every six months. It took ages to cook (I am now unused to the amount of time it takes to cook meat!) so I had a small dinner with B. I told myself that I would save the casserole for lunches and freeze some. Yeah right, it smelt so good that I had a little when I took it out, then more, then more…. I calculated the damage this morning as being about 6 points over. It could have been worse but it means damage control for the rest of the week because I can’t exercise due to my purple slug-like broken toe. *sigh* – self control still an issue….

  • portion smortion

    I lost a poofteenth of a kg last night. Although I was happy that I didn’t go *up* I am a bit disappointed that after vomiting/being sick for 2 of the days I might have done a little better. On Saturday night we went out to dinner and I couldn’t finish my beef curry it was so *huge*…I ate about 2/3 of it but it was probably enough to do the damage…that and the fact that I kept stealing chips of B’s plate….

    So back on track today. I resolve this week to keep an eye on portion sizes, especially for things like pasta and rice. I actually measured my pasta serve into a cup this afternoon rather then visually doing it and I must say it was significantly smaller then the portion I had estimated.

  • bulimia

    I had a pretty interesting day with B today (see here for exhaustive details) which involved a huge amount of vomit. Thus I had no problem sticking to the program. Now I know why all those models who “purge” have no trouble being waifs – it’s the smell…. I was wondering if you could bottle “eau de toddler milk puke” for use as an appetite supressing inhaler so you could walk through the chocolate aisle in the supermarket without flinching?

    btw – lost 1.2 kgs over 2 weeks and now am back were I was, at nearly 3kgs down. At this rate Paul and I will reach our goal weight together…. but at least the trend is down, I can be patient. Thanks for the support guys, I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for all of yous 🙂