Author: inger

  • blah

    I am feeling very blah this week. I wonder if it is all worth it. Somebody make me feel better!

  • gaining

    Had to have a hearty think about the 1.2 kg gain I made last night. Although I had been through with my points I noticed that I hadn’t filled in my book completely for the last 2 days. I could have had a few ‘under the bar’ extra points without being overly concious of it if I don’t write it down I find I underestimate in retrospect.

    This could relate to your problem too paul? Either that or the menus for that week were stiffed!

    I have been suprised to keep losing weight in the preceeding weeks. There had been drinking and chocolate incidents that somehow didn’t show up on the scales so I reckon I was due some payback…still 1.2 kgs felt really harsh!

    So this week I am being ultra cautious, hence the zero point vege soup I am cooking as a snack instead of rice crackers and cottage cheese. I am also going to pull my points down to 20 per day and up the exercise and see how I go.

  • by the book update

    In response to an email Paul sent me today – so far so good on the by the book week. I cooked the turkish pizza from book four which was delicous by the way, although I precooked the topping in a non stick frypan so it wasn’t crunchy. Raw onions are never good for the blackford family…. 6.5 points and I struggled to finish it. Last night I did singapore noodles which were from an old ww cookbook. Even B thought they were fantastic and insisted on trying to eat them with chopsticks like us – very funny. Doing a stirfry with only a spray of oil is difficult but not impossible.

    I have noted every single point, even nibbles off things that I am serving Brendan and it is amazing how they add up over the course of a day. I reckon this is where I have been fudging facts more then anything else. A previous ww leader suggested that instead of eating those ‘point free’ nibbles you put whatever it is in a container in the fridge and watch how much you accumulate over the week. I did this once and it was pretty shocking how much food was slipping in under the radar.

    I have also walked everyday for at least an hour and a half because B is stroppy when confined indoors and I figure I might as well take advantage of it.

    I will be pretty peeved if I don’t lose at least 1 kg this week…

  • new authors

    I took the liberty of inviting a few fellow tubbies, I have added 3 new authors:

    My twin sis Anitra
    My parents Roger and Marg
    and my Sister in law Aurora

    All of whom are with the program. Looking forward to sharing their pain….

  • shopping by the book

    I took Big Red’s advice this morning and worked out a menu plan for the week based on the book but substituting to make it mostly vegie.

    It was super quick to do the shopping and I saved about 30 bucks off my normal grocery bill. I think Paul is a living example of following the books – so I aim to lose at least 1kg this week by being organised and a raving WW points nutter.

    How are you going Andrew? Did you weigh in?

  • chinese nibblet nightmare

    damn those tiny dim sims.

    Bloody half a point per mouthfull and they go down so quickly….

    Can I blame tonight’s probable weight gain on the fact that I have to weigh in my birkenstocks?

    (fixed the stylesheet though. Any suggestions welcome)

  • Tarting up

    I have had a bit of a fiddle with the stylesheets, not very auccessfully though. Be buggered if I can work out how to get rid of those dark grey borders. Does anyone have some css mastery?

    I have put a field in to record our starting weights and the current weights, if we all have an oline confessional I can fill them in….

    Inger start: 86.4
    Inger now: 84.6


    I have been feeling a bit off the wagon, haven’t actually done anything *bad* but haven’t been exercising. Will have to take you up on your offer of helping with the gardening Andrew….

  • drinkin’

    too many ‘naked tasmanians’ means I will probably join you in the ‘increasing girth’ booth…. damn that vanilla vodka