Author: jacques

  • update

    Hey Andrew
    How is the weight loss going so far? If you are interested I meet a friend at Altona every Sunday evening and we go for a 30 -45 minute walk around Cherry Lake in Altona. You would be welcome to join us.

  • weight loss

    Quote for today
    If only weight loss was as easy as hair loss.

    There is something in trhat for all of us. (oh well maybe for Paul and myself)

  • a present?

  • There is a god and evidently he hates me!

    In dire need of caffiene i went for a mid afternoon wander (in leiu of the lunch break i never got around to having). I found a cafe and had an iced coffee (with no icecream of course) and while i was sitting there reading (Wilhelm Reich in Hell by R Anton Wilson) I noticed that the cafe sold chocolate crackles. Those who know me well would know i love chocolate crackles but being the concientous lad i am i decided not to buy one. The lady behind the counter saw me looking at them and gave me one on the house. Any any other point in my life i would have thanked her (and asked her to marry me) but in my current weight watching healthy mode it was a bit of a conflict. Mind you i did accept the chocolate crackle. I had been sitting there telling myself to look but not eat but as W.C Fields said about persistence:

    “If at first you dont succeed try try again, then give up since its no use being a damn fool about it.”

  • post adenndum or is it post mortem

    Damn I only lost 0.1 this week. All that yoga and naught to show for it apart from an increased ability to do headstands. I am going to have to be a very good boy for the next few weeks if i am going to get anywhere near close.

    By the way I am having a problem with yoga headstands. This problem is one that none of the yoga masters i have read about have ever had to face. When you are in the headstand position how do you maintain composure and posture when the cat starts licking your face?

  • tonight

    Hey folks
    Who feels good about tonights weigh in?
    I have been my usual fuzzy with the points but generally ok self and apart from last nights curry (seehk kebabs and pumpkin madras and a 50 cent dark chocolate bar) I think I have been relatively good. Given that I did 9.5 hours of yoga over the last week I am hoping for a good result. My current aim is to get to 88K by the end of July. Why 88K I hear you ask? When i reach that toal I will have lost 20% of the body weight I was when i joined WW. I am currently at 92.something so i dont think it is unachievable.
    Woohooo roll on getting the roll off.

  • the case for McD?

    Documentary on Fast Food Sparks Both Criticism and Intrigue

    Three burgers a day.,4120,1233176,00.html

    Sundance Channel: Morgan Spurlock

    Debunk the Junk: Soso Whaley’s McDonald’s Adventure

    The Super Size Me Con

    Super Size Me [QuickTime]

    America’s Fattest and Fittest Cities

    Morgan Spurlock’s recent documentary and extended nutrition experiment has
    garnered great attention, both in the United States and abroad. By now, most
    people know that the documentary consists of him making his way to McDonalds
    and eating there several times a day for 30 days in a row. Since its
    release, the film has also done quite well, as it passed the 200-screen week
    this past week, and has already grossed over $6 million. Things continue to
    look positive for Spurlock as he has recently signed a tentative book deal,
    and has also just signed a deal to create a one-hour reality television
    show. All is not completely tranquil, as a number of critics and other
    pundits have begun to embark on their own separate projects that emphasize
    personal responsibility when it comes to eating habits and such matters. One
    such critic is Soso Whaley, an animal trainer based in Washington, DC, who
    is making her own documentary where she also eats at McDonald’s for thirty
    days. The twist is that she eats the healthier options available on their
    menu, and as a result loses weight and her cholesterol also drops
    significantly. She plans to enter her film in the Sundance Film Festival as
    well, thereby keeping the ball rolling on the whole debate for at least
    another year.

  • After Sat night

    After pigging out Sat night and being a bit excessive with eating on Sat (turns out I have some sort of cold thingy at the moment that is making me hungry), I decided to make up some of that points free soup to claw back some points.

    I made the standard soup and then decided to build it up a bit. I added a can of refried beans to the soup. This has 2 effects, firslty i makes for a slightly thicker soup as the RB spread through the soup. Secondly it adds some protein to the mix and that helps stave off hunger a bit longer. The second thing i added was a (small) handful of oversize couscous. This supplies a bit of carb that also makes the soup stave off hunger for a little while longer. I also added some basil but that just makes it taste good.

    The end result is not a points free soup but still a relatively low points soup. I will probably get four or five serves out of it but at 2 or 3 at most points a serve it will still help me claw back 5 or so points a meal.

    BTW Tastes pretty damn fine after all that as well.

    Not expecting a good result tonight as this is my off week in my 2 week cycle.

  • Protein

    So what did everyone think about the ‘new’ program?

    I am looking at the meat fest we called Steamboat bookclub had at my place in a whole new light. BY WW standards it was a correct protein heavy minimal carbs meal.

  • Photos

    Hey Folks isnt it time we did another photo shoot at WW?