Author: jacques

  • Its a crock and a pot

    Got the good ole 70’s crockpot out last night. There is nothing better for making those lovely thick winter soups in. Bought a pack of soup mix added it to 2.5 litres of water and a chicken stock cube. Let it soak while it was warming up for 1.5 hours then added a stack of cut veggies, garlic, herbs and a small tub of tomato paste and left it to cook overnight. Got up this morning and it had all magically turned into a really tasty soup. While i do not know how much the soup mix (split peas, lentils beans other legumes, dirt and bits from the grinding wheel) is points wise it and the stock cube are the only items in the soup that would have a points value (oh and the 2 spuds). I will probably freeze half of it and then get three meals out of the rest.

    If i weigh in well tonight i might even treat myself to some crusty french bread to go with it (but no butter that would be too much)

    I think everyone should go out and trawl opp shops for a crock pot.

  • good product

    Hey Folks
    While I was at the supermarket the other night I found a couple of good products in the smallgoods section. Castlemaine smallgoods have a line called nutriwatch or something like that. This line includes a low fat kabana (kabana being something i have truly missed) and a low fat hotdog. I have tried the kabana and while it isnt as yummy as ‘real’ kabana (due to the lack of chunks of fat i guess) its quite quite good. I havent had a chance to try the hotdogs yet but i am looking forwards to it (esp since i have a dodgy cookbook of 250 hotdog recipes).

  • Further to pauls weekend

    Further to Pauls post on weekend blow outs. I am rapidly becoming convinced that I am on a binge and purge cycle (if i maaaay call it that). I tend to have one week where for whatever reason i am ‘good’ and get a good result on the scales and then i have a week where once again for whatever reason I am ‘bad’ and i tend to have a negative or at best neutral result on the scales.

    Does anyone else have the same experience?

    I wish i was weighing in tomorrow as i am donating blood at lunchtime. donating a pint or 2 has to cause some weight loss.

  • freaking WW is going to cost me $$$

    I got up this morning and decided to put on a new pair of jeans so i grabbed a pair and then went to walk across my room to get a belt. I took three steps and the jeans slipped down past my waist to around my knees. Obviously I am now going to have to go shopping for new tighter jeans lest i be arrested for flashing (which isnt a big problem because its usually dismissed due to lack of evidence).

    Anyone know where i can get some good but reasonably cheap jeans?

    Ps i am an obsessive shopper but not a compulsive one. 🙂

  • Web site for today

    Here is an appetizing site full of yummy crunchy stuff (i think its called carbon).


  • My Weekend

    Hey Folks
    I had a reasonable weekend where i ate some bad things and did some good things. I was away up at Dunkeld for a weekend of bike riding bushwalking whatevering.

    Fri Night had a steak sandwich with the lot for dinner (how many points?)

    Woke up screaming with a right calf cramp something that hasnt happened for about 3 years, (my right calf is still in pain but that isnt odd since the pain from these cramps can take near a week to go away) had Muesli for breakfast and then did a three hour bushwalk to the top of MT Sturgeon (rated in the bush walking bible as hard but was better rated as Torture) and this was a hell of a way to earn my 6 points max exercise points for the day but at the same time vastly enjoyable.
    Due to the lack of diversity in Dunkeld i ended up having a chicken fillet burger for lunch but i gave the chips away. (how many points in a chook fillet burger)
    For din dins we all went to the pub and the healthiest choice was steak (didnt eat the chips though).
    For dinner i had a steak in the pub and yep i didnt eat the chips (well i may have eaten a few of them).

    Had a pastie for breakfast and then declined another bushwalk (all the people who did the previous bushwalk did the same thing, weird eh?).
    Due to my right knee and calf playing up i put my knee brace on and performed chi kung (sets 1 & 2) and tai chi for an hour (my 6 points worth) and then went inside and read some stuff.
    Had ham n cheese sandwiches for lunch and home made pizza for tea.

    I am trying to work out if i will be in trouble come the scales tonight?

  • tonight

    Hey Folks
    By my calculations tonight is night 15. does that mean that we should be having a photosession?

  • bunch o lard arsed slackers

    Hey Bloblular Ones. What happened to Tubbies. I have been away from the net for a week or so and where are the new entries?

    Did anyone go to Monday WW session and if so what did i miss?

    Should we be doing the photo thing next Monday? (week 15 by my count)

  • Easter Feaster Fiasco

    I am a bit concerned over what will happen over the easter break. I am going to the Canberra folk festival for four days and then off to a secret bush location where Master Whispy beard from Taiwan is going to teach me secret dim mak death touch techniques for a dew days.
    Canberra will be bad as going on past instances we dont cook at all and tend to forage fast food at the festival. I may have to try and bring about some change or at least go shopping so as to defray the worst excesses. And as for exercise forget it. They do have early morning tai chi and yoga but we have never made it in the past.
    As for the Kung Fu camp i am hoping that 2 or 3 kung fu sessions a day will burn off the non WW compliant food they will be having there. I did have a conversation regarding the food on the camp with Amelia one of the instructors.

    J: So how WW compilant is the food on the camp?
    A: Its compliant its all really healthy food.
    J: I am sure it is healthy but how WW compliant is it?
    A: Its very healthy pasta for lunch and a rice dish for dinner. The bacon and eggs for breakfast mightnt be but there will be cereal like corn flakes, oh and there will be pancakes one morning.
    J: *sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

    I am going to visit a Safeway and pick up some soy milk and some WW compliant breakfast cereal which is a pity as i am paying through the nose for this camp ($500 for 3.5 days). I might also grab some deserts as i am pretty sure what will be on offer might be healthy but not very good for me.

    Anyone else expecting a horror easter?

  • tonight is going to be bad.

    Given that i have been crook all week and unable to exercise combined with 1 launch and a big dinner of greek food Saturday night i am dreading my date with destiny and the scales tonight.
    Mind you though i did go on a 3 hour bike ride yesterday to get rid of the guilt from the Greek food. Sadly though this seems to have driven me back into unhealthiness.
