Got the good ole 70’s crockpot out last night. There is nothing better for making those lovely thick winter soups in. Bought a pack of soup mix added it to 2.5 litres of water and a chicken stock cube. Let it soak while it was warming up for 1.5 hours then added a stack of cut veggies, garlic, herbs and a small tub of tomato paste and left it to cook overnight. Got up this morning and it had all magically turned into a really tasty soup. While i do not know how much the soup mix (split peas, lentils beans other legumes, dirt and bits from the grinding wheel) is points wise it and the stock cube are the only items in the soup that would have a points value (oh and the 2 spuds). I will probably freeze half of it and then get three meals out of the rest.
If i weigh in well tonight i might even treat myself to some crusty french bread to go with it (but no butter that would be too much)
I think everyone should go out and trawl opp shops for a crock pot.