Author: jacques

  • From Max to 99

    Hey Folks
    Now that my weight has dropped from 3 figures to 2 figures i was wondering should we have a small celebratory “below 100” dinner sometime soon? After work Friday night? Sunday? (We could invite Keith along and torment him with WW talk)

    We could make it a ritual whenever one of us drops below 100. Or for the socially challenged diet like crazy until you drop below 100. Eat until you rise above 100 diet below 100 and then organise another dinner?

  • What real men talk about.

    I meant to send this earlier but havent had time. I thought it was funny the other night. There are these three big bearded blackbelted somewhat seedy (but not weedy) looking individuals hanging around in the carpark of a Kung fu/truckdriving school (if we cannot beat you up we will run you over).

    What are they talking about? Oriental wisdom? kicking heads? Sport? Chickeebabes?

    Nope these fearsome guys are having a long and serious talk about weight loss strategies.

    I thought it was somewhat incongruous and that no one watching would have ever picked it as a topic of conversation.

  • wahhhhwhooooogahhh

    I just went to the City branch of WW and it was chockas. If you are going to go there i would make it so you get there extra early and still be prepared for a wait (could have made the obvious pun here). I didnt stay for the talk because i dont have that long a lunch time and without the rest of the crew of evil henchpersons it probably wouldnt be much fun.

    And i lost 1.6 k (currently weighing in at a svelte 101.6. I am a middlewight, thats where all my weight is.)

    I reckon i am going to hit my 10% target in two weeks. I say this due to my extreme extrapolative innnate statistical abilities and that i am going away bike riding and bushwalking in the Grampians with a bunch on health fanatics the weekend before.

  • A quick test

    In order to understand your best approach to losing weight here is a little personality test for all y’all.

  • monday meeting

    Hey folks
    I am not going to make it to Mondays meeting. Can someone make a few smartarse comments in my name?

  • Photo’s

    Hey Andrew
    When are you going to put up the photos you took at WW a few weeks back?

  • I am a black hole.

    I am also expecting a bit of a weight gain or at least no weight loss due to a weekend of culinary debauchery.
    Fri night was not too bad but i may have done some damage with the cheese and chocolate platter.
    Saturday was ok.
    Sunday was a full on BBQ with chips dips and pate. I ate a fraction of what i once would have but the Haig chocolate frogs were a sore temptation. I was hoping to get home early enough to work my guilt and some calories off on the exercise machine but instead i stayed out till about 12.0 – 1 ish.

  • Self indulgence

    Hey fellow trapped in a prison cellulites
    Are any of you finding exercise (those of you who exercise) any easier?

    I did a 2 hour black sash session yesterday and while at the end of it i was certainly tired but not as devastated as i would have been prior to WW. I am quite ready to admit that some of that could be just positive thinking etc but i am not sure. Mind you going to yoga 3 hours later might have been a mistake because i am a bit tired today and the legs are a bit sore.

    I think the next experiment may involve going on a reasonably long bike ride (all of you are invited) and see if i survive that any better.

    ps Hanging Rock Food & Wine Fest next weekend. Calorie Purgatory here i come. I may play the no weigh card next Monday.

  • Exercise buddies

    Hey rapidly diminishing blips on the calorie radar

    If any of you need an exercise buddy then i am up for any form of exercise that doesnt involve throwing, catching, batting or any of those stupid ball sports (except for 10 pin bowling and pool). So if anyone wants to do a bike ride, bush walk, inline skate (i have 2 spare sets of inlines) swim (esp surf), scuba dive, canoe, run repeatedly into a brick wall or whatever then i am your EB/personal trainer/drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket (You filthy donut eating scum sucking maggots give me 10).

    Alternatively all of you are welcome to join me in my own exercise endeavours:

    Monday ; Pilates (down the rd from WW)
    Tuesday ; Kung Fu
    Thursday ; Kung Fu
    Saturday ; Kung Fu
    Sunday ; Yoga

  • More or less

    Hey Folks
    A quick poll. With weight watchers are you psending more or less on food than you used to? Or is it that you are spending more at Safeways and less at Eagle Boys Pizza?