Author: paul

  • On BMI

    I’m now down to a BMI of 27.2. For the hell of it, I worked out the next milestone BMIs for myself:

    27 95.4
    26 91.9 (note that at 94.6 I will have lost 20% of my starting mass!)
    25 88.4

    To hit a BMI of 23 (in theory the mid range, although I suspect that would make me a bit too scarily skinny) I would need to hit 81.3kg. (too light?).

    Strangely, WW says my 25 BMI is 87kg. Perhaps I was having a short night when they measured me 🙂 (I’m assuming 188cm, but 1.87cm does hit 87 kg, in which case my BMIs would be 27 == 94.4; 26 == 90.9, and 25 == 87.4)

  • Some good stuff

    Out of a WW book, last night I made a risotto with bruschetta on the side. It tasted like cardboard.

  • Help!

    Help! I am starting to get really big sweet tooth urges. I’m not sure why it would start ~ 5 months into the program, but I am having great difficulty walking past, for eg, the lolly stand at the newsagency in the student union. I have managed to resist so far, but I can feel the will weakening.

    Is it a function fo the colder weather? Any tips? I’m starting to sweat like a junkie needing their next hit whenever I walk past… large jaffas… TPTCTF… argh!

  • Boredom

    I’ve been reflecting on why I’ve been so bad this week. I think it comes down to eating via boredom. A couple of times I have overeaten because I have been soooo cold. Really feeling the cold this winter 🙁

  • Clodhoppers

    I am not feeling at all confident about tonight’s whey-in. Bad Thursday – Sunday inclusive is the main reason, and no opportunity to work off some of the excess.

    I am thinking that tonight might be a good time to finally bite the bullet and weigh in with shoes on. I have sneaklily been weighing my shoes over the last few weeks, and there is 0.8 kg difference between the lightest (all leather hand made jobs @ 800g) and some heavier riding boots (1.6kg).

    The pair of shoes I will go in tonight weigh 1.1kg. I figure that I weighed in last week at 96.4 (with shoes 97.5) and I am unlikely to have put on 2.5kg of weight this week, so I should be fairly safe in not bobbing back into dreaded three figure territory.

    This is a real thing for me; even allowing for the shoe factor, I’d hate to get a reading above 100 again.

  • Nasty… very nasty

    Yesterday: Uni House committee meeting. I was reasonaably good — two half glasses of whine, and probably three sandwiches cut into quarters.

    Stop work in the afternoon, so I got some exercise hooning around the city on the pushie doing some shopping.

    Got home. Temptress Cathi has a WW-approved (2pt) choc-caramel muffin.

    Went out on a hot date last night. Wine night @ UH, which was surprising on two fronts: 1. I quite enjoyed the riesling. 2. the jazz did not want to make the throw up.

    Meal was a three course affair: entree was tuna cutlet on potato: 4 points. Main was rare porterhouse (6) on grilled zucchini and egg plant (0). Dessert was this selection of cheeses, including an absolutely stunning brie (uber-mega-points), accompanied by an amazing Cab Sav (but @ $55/bottle, even though it was horn we didn’t purchase it). The other problem, other than the cheese was the rest of the whine we drank.

    Oh well. It’s reminded me about how good WW is vis-a-vis not having so much to drink. Furry tongue – yuck. Then there’s buke club tomorrow night — could be a challenge.

    Remedy: exercise over ze weekend.

    And may I just say goddamn “Transmissions” by Juno Reactor is a fine CD.


  • Totally rooted

    Well, I think I am stuffed this week as far as weigh in is concerned. Came down with a cold on Thursday, got big carb’n’fat cravings (as I am wont to do when I have a cold), and figured what the hell, you are best to feed a cold (and starve a fever).

    Eati ng badness continued until Saturday evening. Then yesterday, I slept most of the morning, and woke up sans voice. Still feeling whacked out, but I needed to come in to work today, if, for nothing else, get the latest instalment of The Human Dynamo, live to my inbox.

    However, in Pur Points, I have come across the best cheesy bacon slice kind of thing @ 2 pts each. Yum.

    Enough rambling. See you tonight, although if the voice gives out again, we might be communicating via sign language.

  • My Top WW tips

    Here’s stuff that I have learnt from WW and the meetings which have helped me in my weight loss:

    1. Drink room temp water. It’s more filling than chilled water.
    2. Clean your teeth. You’re less liekly to eat if you’ve cleaned your teeth (toothpaste + OJ == Yuck)
    3. Consider portion sizes. If in doubt, cut 20% off the portion size.
    4. Grazing is Good.
    5. Sweet stuff should be a treat. When I was growing up, sweet stuff was only for special occasions, or in small amounts. I no longer did this before WW, used to gorge myself.
    6. Points Tracking is Important, but if you don’t reflect and think about what you’ve tracked, and modify as appropriate, points tracking is Useless.

  • 20kg mark

    Well, last night I hopped onto the scales to find that I have lost 20.5 kg since commencing the program in January. Woo-hoo! The light is at the end of the tunnel, and it not an approaching train! 10.8kg to go until I hit the upper limit of goal range. Perhaps my plan to be within of 5kg of goal before heading OS is not so fanciful after all… 5kg in 5 weeks — can he do it? It’d be nice, but no matter if not.
