Author: paul

  • Paradise Lost

    What I forgot to say in the previous entry is that it’s those wretched Paradise biscuits that have been doing me in 🙁 Just too damned nice, especially the choc chip ones.

    I also noted something interesting, can’t recall if I blogged it or not… the days when I do *not* struggle with keeping under points are the days when I have a high protein brekkie, eg baked beans or bacon/egg.

    Food for thought, so to speak?

  • Leon’s getting laaarger

    Well, I’ve been consistently eating about 2-3 points above my daily allowance for a week now…. not expecting a good result at all tonight… my own fault though 🙁

  • And the good news is, it’s low on points

  • Chicken Boscaiola

    3 rasher bacon, all fat and rind trimmed
    500g chicken breast fillet, skin off, chopped
    2 leeks, sliced
    1 tsp minced garlic (we added more)
    1 tbs flour
    1 cup chicken stock
    1/4 tsp wholegrain mustard
    1/2 cup sour light cream
    200g mushrooms, chooped
    1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chooped

    1. Coat a frypan w/ cooking spray, heat and cook chicken until browned and bacon for about 45 seconds. Remove chicken and bacon. Add leeks and garlic, cook for 30 seconds
    2. Stir in flour to leek mixture. Remove from heat, stir in stock and mustard. Return to heat and cook until mixture boils and thickens
    3. Return chicken to pan, stir in mushrooms, sour cream, basil and bacon. Cook gently until heated through.

    Cathi served this up last night with a fresh tomato, red capsicum and basil salad.

    Makes four serves, 5.5 points per serve. Seems to be amenable to fridge storage for a couple of days, not sure about freezing.

    Delicious. From Pure Points, p 54.

  • (F)atkins diet

    Some wude words, but excellent stuff

  • Well done ajv!

    Well done Noddy! You contributed nearly 1/7 of the total loss for the meeting. Way to go dude!

  • Small obstacles

    Hey Inger I know what you mean about small obstacles, etc.

    I personally don’t find food issues to be too much of an obstacle: with the exception of TPTCTF I am reasonably good at resisting anything which is unacceptable (OK, and Cathi’s mud cake too 😉

    What is killing me is the exercise issue. I am only sporadically making it to Kung Fu training, which is actually causing me quite some heartache, as it is the only regular form of exercise I get. I have set myself what I think to be relatively modest goal of three sessions a fortnight (in theory every Tuesday night, and every second Saturday). So far I have made just one in the last fortnight.

  • Cruel and unusual punishment

    Mr DF Kosky: I have to try and work out some cruel and unusual punishment for you. Daring to make bookclub members read a book about a chef’s culinary adventures around the world whilst 5/6 members are on WW or a similar hit… tsk tsk tsk 😉

  • Good week; bad day

    Had a reasonably good week, but Saturday was a shocker: 34 points — +9 for the day. Ouch. I clawed back half of that yesterday.

    The main culprit was TPTCTF — 8 points worth on Saturday night over a hand of cards.

    The only thing that makes me think that I may not balloon right up is that the belt has comfortably headed in another notch this week. Ah well, I guess that all will be revealed tonight.

  • A good reason to lose weight