Author: paul
No longer obese!
I have checked on a couple of onlime BMI calcs, and I am now no longer obese! Yay! For info, here’s a list of the English language categories for each range of the BMI:
51-60 Morbidly Obese
40-50 Obese
38-39 Clinically Obese
35-37 Grossly Overweight
33-35 Overweight
32 Chubby
31 Big boned
29-30 Carrying a Bit
27-28 Fat
26 Nearly at size 8
20-25 Average
24 A bit below average
21-23 Underweight
16-19 Skinny
12-15 Clinically Underweight
11 Bony
10 Princess Diana before she was kidnapped by a Chinese submarine
in a French motorway tunnel
6-9 $200 a day habit
<6 Kate Moss Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: 61+ Black Hole -
Apres meeting tonight?
Are we celebrating the double figures milestone of JK?
As F{a|e}te would have it…
Went to the local primary school fete yesterday. My usual reason for haunting those events is the cake stall… I fell for it, and bought a chocolate cake with spinkles and choc buttons on the icing… argh. 6.5 points for a waffer thin slice
I also substituted my lunch with a hamburger from the fete… the wheels are falling off… nooooo!!!!!! 31 points of mayhem for the day — how do I fix it???
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Blow out!
Wow, I worked out the UniHouse committee lunch yesterday. 30.5 points for the day, so 5.5 over my limit. And they were bad points; lots of sugar.
To try and compensate, I headed out to the wilds of Curtain Square at 9:30last night and did the TCC empty hand form. JK — any idea how many points the full form (in an embarrassingly rusty manner and fast 22 mins) is worth?
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We are nowhere near this!
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Trend vs reality
According to Noddy’s trendlines, I should be doing the double digit dance on 19th April. It’ll be interesting to see how accurate that milestone is…
Well, yes
Managed to be two points under yesterday, as well as get a bunch of bonus points from kung fu. This should make up for being 2.5 points over for Sun and Mon.
Nodster, I was -0.9 cf previous week (can’t recall the abs value). This makes my rolling 4 week loss 4.4 kg, which means that I am still consistently, on average, losing over a kg a week. I wonder when the plateau will hit?
Lunch today
In contrast with last night’s effort, lunch today was a bit of a disaster. In fact, most of today has. I had my lunch early as I was feeling hungry, and then I realized I was to go out for lunch. The second lunch consisted of sweetcorn and shrimp soup with coriander (yum) — small bowl — any guesses on the points? I’ve lumping for three, but happy to take corrections. Wine also consisted of four points of lunch. Or, I think I got that the wrong way around. Lunch also consisted of four points of wine. Bummer dude.
WW Desserts & mousses
Came across sachets of WW mousse and desserts in the jelly section of the supermarket.
The Choc WW mouse is superb. On Saturday night, I whipped it up according to directions, then I got some fresh strawberries, halved them, and stirred them in through the mousse. Popped the mix into two parfait glasses into the fridge for 90 minutes and I reckon it was one of the nicest desserts I have had in years.
The Strawberry mousse is surprisingly nice. I have found that sometimes strawberry things can be overly sweet, but the flavour is subtle. Very nice.
The mousses make two serves per sachet, and each serve is worth one point. With the strawberries, it is 1.5. I think I will ditch the Nestle tubs in future for these things; much much nicer, and not counted as a sugar point!
We have not yet made up the desserts (I got a rasperry and a choc one) although each sachet only makes one serve, and each serve is 1.5 points. The esteemable Mr Kosky said that he tried the reaspberry one the other night but was not overly impressed. We’ll get through the rest of these this week; will report as it happens.
PS Inger, the choc mousse + strawberries is a good way to get 0.5 pt of fruit!