I’m expecting a weight gain this week. However, it’s mainly my own fault.
Tues and Wed were fine.
Thursday was Uni House committee meeting. I calculated how many sandwiches I could have and I think I went over by 1/4 of a sandwich, which was OK. But then the second course for lunch came out. There I am faced with a choice: some pieces of pear, or fine old vintage cheese. Whoops, I went for the cheese, and chased it down with a rather nice cab sav. I did however, politely decline the chocolates (the same ones we had at our wedding)
Friday I was in Sydney for a professional association type conference. More sandwiches there, but lathered with butter and the like. I didn’t feel as though I could stand around scraping off condiments when I was trying to be professional, so I had them. Probably one or two too many. I also had a coulple of choc chip cookies for morning tea. The kicker, though, was the choclate mousse dessert. Whoops again. Tried to make up for it on the flight home by declining dinner.
Saturday was not so bad; I ate fairly well, but miscalculated the number of points of K-Time twists (I thought 1.5, they were 2), so I ended up slightly over for the day.
Yesterday was a complete disaster. 7.5 points bacon, egg and muffin breakfast; 10 points worth of choc chip muffins in the afternoon, a full WW meal in the evening (24 points already), plus assorted nibbles throughout the day. Ouch.
However, my resolve is back. One of the key features of last week was not I was not fully and accurately tracking my points. Time to get anal again.