I had a dream this morning. I dreamt that Noddy had reached his goal weight, and so we organized a big shindig to celebrate. We hired out a church/community hall, and invited heaps of people along. For some reason, Noddy was insistent that Michael Bolton be the live music act, so we got him along too, but it all turned a bit sour when it became apparent that he was lip syncing. Rule number 1 for artists lip syncing: never leave the microphone to pick up a choclate bar wrapper and still have your singing come through the PA. The Luke had orgaized a video show of Noddy, through the various stages of weight loss. The first video clip that Luke had was when Noddy was a volunteer firefighter, and was on a roof rescuing a cat. All of the usual safety lines had been set up, but Noddy slipped, and fell off the roof. The lines caught him, and he swung into a tree, which then fell over and landed on a BBQ where it caught fire. I don’t remember anything else, because I woke up then trying not to cack myself laughing…
Author: paul
One more thing on costs
Since I’ve been on the scheme, I’ve found that I’m spending less on incidental food during the day. THe company that owns the vending machine outside the building is spewing though.
New desserts
Just a quick note to let everyone know that there is a new range of Nestle desserts (Safeway, anyway). There’s about 6 or 8 flavours, this morning at shopping, I picked up one: blueberry crumble yoghurt. Be interested to see how they compare with the mousse/creme caramel type desserts…
How many points is this?
Last night, Cathi and I went out to this excellent Japanese hole-in-the-wall in the city. We figured the points on those dishes. Then, we went to a cocktail bar recommended by fellow WW Nicole in Fitzroy. Would be interested in points estimates for the following cocktail (“Smoke and a pancake”)
Frangelico, creme de something, cream, plus crushed ice and possibly a few other goodies, I think gin or wodka. Then, get some rich dark chocolate mousse, and roll it up in a crepe. Then, place the crepe with mousse into the cocktail to let it soak in. YUM. A day’s worth of taste bud exhilaration anyway!
My choice was a little less extreme: wodka, dark chocolate with caramelised sugar dropped in, on ice, layered under cream, and classily served in a Boag’s beer glass.
After that, we found this highly seedy pool hall where we played a few frames, and were probably lucky not to see at least one murder or drug deal go down. Anyway, estimates on the points by those better booked than yours truly would be appreciated! Also, how many bonus points does pool get you? More than a ride on mower???
Paul -
Blah blah blah
Hey Inger,
It is worth it. It is is hard, but it is worth it. Even though I had a bad week last week, I have had to get an extra couple of holes punched in my new belt that I got for Xmas. I have to get organized and do my measurements. How would ppl feel if I brought along a tape measure to the meeting on Monday?
And, if you are doubting that it’s worth it, then head out an have a really really rich oily meal. Last time on WW, I felt this way, and I did this (I think it was a Whopper[0] and chips or some such thing) and I found that i couldn’t finish it. Yuck-o. I could taste the oil and the fat, blurgh 🙁 And this wasn’t some Captain Haddock like battle of the consciences, either, this was just, yuck, this is *not* as enjoyable as some of the meals I have been having on WW.
Tell you what, Inger. Keep up with it, and when there is at least one article of clothing that you have to get rid of as it is now too big, let us know, and we’ll have a bonfire somewhere.
We had the Book 4 chicken breast filled with spinach and parmesan cheese earlier this week, and it ROCKS.
[0] Why did they name a hamburger after Page 3 girls anyway??? [or was it the other way around?]
All hail the Nodster!
So Charlotte was sick last night. And we took her to the Royal Childrens’ Hospital. Which meant that we did not get to cook up the Turkish pizza. So we ended up going to Mc Chuck’s at the RCH.
How many points are the salads worth we asked. [It just goes to show how insidious WW can be; we’re holding onto a sick droppy child, getting a bite to eat to keep us going, and we’re *still* counting points!]
I pull out the phone, and ring the Oracle of junk food points, El Noddy. We found out from him the points value of the roast chicken salad and the chicken caesar salad and (this is the good bit) the points values of all of the options — chips, dressing, etc. Furthermore, Noddy was able to provide us with these details *from memory*.
All hail!
Red Whine
Yo Nodster,
IIRC, red wine is about 1 point per glass. Does this mean that red wine is 4.3 points per bottle?
Cabernet Shiraz (aka Big Red)
Food Bill
I have found both times on WW that the bill initially went up, but then tended to drop. I put this down to the “once offs” in the first week; purchasing the oil sprayand lots of canned stuff (which we normally don’t get).
Like the Nod, we’ve found that we are spending more on fruit and veg (often up to $70 a week at the market!!!) but weigh less (pun intended) on stuff like chocolate, chippies, and, well, choclate chip cookies! As well as meat, etc.
We do the whole week’s shopping in one hit, and, overall, it tends to be a bit cheaper when we are on WW than when we are not.
This time around, the amount of money we are spending has been distorted by baby stuff…
Reflections from the Firepool
I scored +0.1 kg last night, which is well down on my past performance. But, I guess, as they say in those ads for investment products, “past performance is no guarantee of future return”. Note that I’m not pissed off at putting on 100 grams (as we deomnstrated last night anyway, the calibration of their scales was a little out (see my comments on environmental factors earlier in this blog (hey Noddy, can you link to earlier blog entries???)))
On the ride home, I started thinking about why the weight loss would have stopped. Strangely enough, Cathi has put a little bit on in the past week as well, and we had a chat about it when I got home (well, after Queer Eye had finished).
Cathi made two salient points:
(a) I had not been so religious/anal in noting down my points consumed over the last week
(b) I had been nowhere near 26 points (my daily points intake) on some daysCombining these two things, I wrote doen my points for Monday, added them up, and found that I was sitting on 20 points. Hmmm. Easy fixed. Some rice crackers, a muffin with vegemite, and a cremé çaramél later, everything was under control.
When thinking about it, I have noticed that I have been quite hungry at work, and oftentimes ravenous at breakfast time, over the last week or so. This morning, not hugely hungry at brekkie, and feeling quite content at the moment (food wise anyway) in the office. This week, I will religiously stick to 26 pints (±0.5 point) and see what difference that makes.
BTW, well done Donna on your loss, and also to the Nodster: 2.2 kg after a fortnight of setback AND surviving your parents’ BBQ!
Crumbed Fish (Week 4, Day 2)
This crumbed fish recipe from the book we picked up last week is bloody brilliant. It’s one of the nicest fish and chips I’ve ever had — we got some Blue Grenadier fresh from the market. Re breadcrumbs: I picked up a 1kg bag for 60 cents from the market weeks ago, and chucked it in the freezer. Keeps for months that way, less messy than making your own, and way cheaper than the boxes you get in the supermarket.
Also, Inger, the fish is baked, not cooked in a frypan, which may make it more Mewburn-household-palatable!