Category: Recipes

  • Hearty casserole

    2 onions
    2 rashers bacon
    1 kg chuck steak, cubed
    500ml beef stock (I use the ready-made one from the supermarket @ 1 point per 500 ml)
    1 small sweet potato
    2 medium poatoes
    2 Tbsp fresh thyme
    tomato paste
    chopped parsley

  • After Sat night

    After pigging out Sat night and being a bit excessive with eating on Sat (turns out I have some sort of cold thingy at the moment that is making me hungry), I decided to make up some of that points free soup to claw back some points.

    I made the standard soup and then decided to build it up a bit. I added a can of refried beans to the soup. This has 2 effects, firslty i makes for a slightly thicker soup as the RB spread through the soup. Secondly it adds some protein to the mix and that helps stave off hunger a bit longer. The second thing i added was a (small) handful of oversize couscous. This supplies a bit of carb that also makes the soup stave off hunger for a little while longer. I also added some basil but that just makes it taste good.

    The end result is not a points free soup but still a relatively low points soup. I will probably get four or five serves out of it but at 2 or 3 at most points a serve it will still help me claw back 5 or so points a meal.

    BTW Tastes pretty damn fine after all that as well.

    Not expecting a good result tonight as this is my off week in my 2 week cycle.

  • Two links for you

    Woojae’s IMPOSSIBLE iPod Challenge of DEATH!

    Delights like this await (but you have to explore!):

    They’re just like us, but well, fruitier. For example:

    “I think I am becoming an anorexic woman. I went to Costco the other day and I bought some stuff. I got some gum, energy bars and a tub of vodka. Kelly said, “Sal’ you’re becoming an anorexic woman!” I looked in my cart and knew it was true. In fact, now that I think about it all the women I know have my exact same eating habits. And every time I’ve been shopping with a skinny woman she bought three things: gum, alcohol, and energy bars. I thought I might be going crazy, so I asked my friends if they thought I was becoming a woman. I told them what I bought at Costco. They weren’t surprised and thought my purchases were normal. I was relived until I realized that they were all girls. The only difference between their usual purchases at Costco and mine was that they bought a fourth item: Tampons. I was in the dining hall tonight and this girl I was eating with looked at my dinner of Raw Broccoli and soup and said, “Sal.. you are and anorexic woman.” I was depressed. I think I’m going to have to eat a steak or cheeseburger soon to make some testosterone. Even if it doesn’t do that, at least it it will make me feel like a man.”


    Lastly, what link post would be complete without:

    Supersize me!


    ps. Had a bad day. But for a bad day, it’s been a good one!

  • Its a crock and a pot

    Got the good ole 70’s crockpot out last night. There is nothing better for making those lovely thick winter soups in. Bought a pack of soup mix added it to 2.5 litres of water and a chicken stock cube. Let it soak while it was warming up for 1.5 hours then added a stack of cut veggies, garlic, herbs and a small tub of tomato paste and left it to cook overnight. Got up this morning and it had all magically turned into a really tasty soup. While i do not know how much the soup mix (split peas, lentils beans other legumes, dirt and bits from the grinding wheel) is points wise it and the stock cube are the only items in the soup that would have a points value (oh and the 2 spuds). I will probably freeze half of it and then get three meals out of the rest.

    If i weigh in well tonight i might even treat myself to some crusty french bread to go with it (but no butter that would be too much)

    I think everyone should go out and trawl opp shops for a crock pot.

  • Chicken Boscaiola

    3 rasher bacon, all fat and rind trimmed
    500g chicken breast fillet, skin off, chopped
    2 leeks, sliced
    1 tsp minced garlic (we added more)
    1 tbs flour
    1 cup chicken stock
    1/4 tsp wholegrain mustard
    1/2 cup sour light cream
    200g mushrooms, chooped
    1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chooped

    1. Coat a frypan w/ cooking spray, heat and cook chicken until browned and bacon for about 45 seconds. Remove chicken and bacon. Add leeks and garlic, cook for 30 seconds
    2. Stir in flour to leek mixture. Remove from heat, stir in stock and mustard. Return to heat and cook until mixture boils and thickens
    3. Return chicken to pan, stir in mushrooms, sour cream, basil and bacon. Cook gently until heated through.

    Cathi served this up last night with a fresh tomato, red capsicum and basil salad.

    Makes four serves, 5.5 points per serve. Seems to be amenable to fridge storage for a couple of days, not sure about freezing.

    Delicious. From Pure Points, p 54.

  • good product

    Hey Folks
    While I was at the supermarket the other night I found a couple of good products in the smallgoods section. Castlemaine smallgoods have a line called nutriwatch or something like that. This line includes a low fat kabana (kabana being something i have truly missed) and a low fat hotdog. I have tried the kabana and while it isnt as yummy as ‘real’ kabana (due to the lack of chunks of fat i guess) its quite quite good. I havent had a chance to try the hotdogs yet but i am looking forwards to it (esp since i have a dodgy cookbook of 250 hotdog recipes).

  • Web site for today

    Here is an appetizing site full of yummy crunchy stuff (i think its called carbon).


  • Whoops

    I just checked the bread we’ve been using at home. Have been counting 2 pt per 2 slices. It’s actually 3.5 points per 2 slices. Whoops.