Category: Weight Loss

  • Trend vs reality

    According to Noddy’s trendlines, I should be doing the double digit dance on 19th April. It’ll be interesting to see how accurate that milestone is…

  • Well, yes

    Managed to be two points under yesterday, as well as get a bunch of bonus points from kung fu. This should make up for being 2.5 points over for Sun and Mon.

    Nodster, I was -0.9 cf previous week (can’t recall the abs value). This makes my rolling 4 week loss 4.4 kg, which means that I am still consistently, on average, losing over a kg a week. I wonder when the plateau will hit?

  • and I have a pimple

    For some reason I had one of those ‘hard to stop eating’ days. I don’t know if it is because I am around the house on Tuesdays or whether it is ‘that time of the month’ (which usually sends me into a fat/carbo frenzy). But at least today I got my fruit happening, well 2 serves at least.

    Over in the points today, have to cut back over the next few….

  • From Max to 99

    Hey Folks
    Now that my weight has dropped from 3 figures to 2 figures i was wondering should we have a small celebratory “below 100” dinner sometime soon? After work Friday night? Sunday? (We could invite Keith along and torment him with WW talk)

    We could make it a ritual whenever one of us drops below 100. Or for the socially challenged diet like crazy until you drop below 100. Eat until you rise above 100 diet below 100 and then organise another dinner?

  • How many points is cough syrup

    Well, I am in Leeton NSW. Eating okay, but I could do better I suppose. Last night had a thai chicken thingy with green vegies which was yummie and prob. not too high in fat.

    The problem is that I am taking cough syrup to suppress a nasty hacking cough I have. guess what? No food information panel! I know it contains sucrose and alchohol, but I need to count this thing properly.

    I’m doing about 3 x 10 ml shots a day and have done so since yesterday afternoon. Before that I was eating Blackberry Soother lozenges at the rate of about a packet per day. I’ve given up on them as they don’t work. But not before eating three packets.

    I am getting exercise though – I am walking to my client so I’m getting about 30 mins of light exercise a day. I’m not using these bonus points.


  • And in the grand tradition of Inger tracking….

    I gained weight! only 0.4kgs but still…. I am going to keep tracking here though, I think it helps.

    2 x raisen toast and lf spread 4
    coffee and milk/sugar 1
    pasta with bacon matriciana (yum) homemade 8
    home made fried rice x 2 cups (one before weigh in and one after) 6
    1 x glass of red wine.

    total 20 points

    again no fruit 🙁 I plan to start my fruit plan tomorrow. I am going to measure out the amount on a plate and make sure it is eaten by the end of the day.

    I am going around to a friend’s place to check out her new baby tomorrow. I am going to take around some morning tea and lunch. I thought I would take a fruit platter, some rice crackers and make this delicious salmon and ricotta dip that my step mother made on the weekend.

    Can you think of any other good ‘breast feeding foods’ that I should take Paul? Seeing as how I was one of those e-ville bottle feeders I don’t have a clue 🙂

  • Lunch today

    In contrast with last night’s effort, lunch today was a bit of a disaster. In fact, most of today has. I had my lunch early as I was feeling hungry, and then I realized I was to go out for lunch. The second lunch consisted of sweetcorn and shrimp soup with coriander (yum) — small bowl — any guesses on the points? I’ve lumping for three, but happy to take corrections. Wine also consisted of four points of lunch. Or, I think I got that the wrong way around. Lunch also consisted of four points of wine. Bummer dude.

  • too many carbs maketh the woman

    Thx for the data Ajv – my first reaction was “September – no way!” but then – september is better then never isn’t it? At leas it is before my step brother’s wedding. My step sister (not the one getting married) and I have a pact to “lose it” by then as it is bound to be filled with blonde, skinny chicks….

    boring food today.

    1 toast with 1 tspoon of lf cream cheese and vegemite 2
    left over cheese and mac 7
    capari and soda 2 (yum)
    no bacon cabonara 8 (made with egg, tomato, oinon, parsley, garlic and a small amount of feta cheese)

    total 19

    and last night I had some dry cereal because I couldn’t find the m & ms…

    (I think I see the problem I am having with weightloss btw. Not so much points but food variation. There are waaay too many carbs here. And probably too much dairy. *sigh* looks like I will have to start eating that fruit after all….)

  • New stats up

    Inger’s stats are now up as well.

  • I think this might work

    Check this out:

    I think it might help!

    Anyway, to finish all of today off, so to speak, here goes:

    1 pack of sugar free gum 1 pt (should be zero, but most people don’t eat them, nor do they get through a whole packet in a drive to work)
    raisin toast 5
    long black 0
    small serve beef strog on mostly rice … too delicious to be anything other than around 10 points
    WW bar 0.5
    WW tiny meal of something vaguely like airline food 4.5
    whole pack of sakatas 4
    fruit muffin with smidge of butter 3 or 4 points. Delicious. Let’s call it 4.

    29 points. I could feel the WW meal wasn’t going to cut it. If I’m going to have those in future, I might double them as it’ll be better than having a whole packet of sakatas and a fruit muffin to get rid of the munchies.