Category: Weight Loss

  • the daily scare report

    Hey good one Andrew. I am worried about your sugar free gum habit though 😉

    I am noticing that I don’t eat fruit. I don’t hate it – I just find it boring. I wonder if this is a problem? Any thoughts?

    one egg, poached 1
    piece of toast, no butter with vegemite 1
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    .5 ish cup of rice 2
    chicken curry 5 (rather disgusting, I didn’t finish it. I checked before I ordered that it was not cooked in coconut milk or with ghee. They are obviously what usually makes bought chicken curry worth eating…)
    homecooked mac and cheese, WW style 8

    total: 18

    Under today to make up for the bit of overclocking on Tuesday. Though I might have 20gs of m and ms if I can find them later, with a cup of tea.

  • Mutually Assured Fubar

    Well, I’ve been busy. Honest.

    Monday 27.5 points (tracker is at home, doh!)
    Tuesday 25 points (ditto)


    two WW bars 3 points
    earl grey tea
    pasta with tomato based sauce and greek salad 6 pts
    lots of sugar free gum 1 pt – I ate lots and lots
    earl grey tea
    low fat mini-pizza 10 pts (i ate the entire thing, 270 gm)
    2 mini-crunchies (any ideas? – they’re like 12 gm each)

    Today so far:

    1 pack of sugar free gum 1 pt
    2 slices raisin toast with a smear of butter 5 points
    black coffee

  • just to bore you shitless

    Hey Andrew – what about our pact dude?!

    Today I ate:
    leftovers of curry 5
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    a salad roll with feta cheese (made it myself)6
    caffe latte, skinny 1
    meatballs 2
    lentils 3
    rice 2

    total 20pts.

    (and she was *still* hungry)
    (sorry, brendan insisted on my reading TVHC about 10 times tonight. If only I could be a catapiller. On saturday he ate “one piece of chocolate cake, one icecream cone, pne pickle, one slice of swiss chees, one slice of salami, one lolliepop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and a slice of water melon….”)
    (but then again that night he did have a big stomach ache)

  • Wow

    Quote from an article:

    “According to Stanford the virus has been spreading with alarming speed internationally, and has already caused significant damage. The advanced heuristics featured by NOD32 act like artificial intelligence and detect the activities of this virus. Consequently NOD32, which also picked up 90 percent of the recent Bagle and Netsky viruses before patches were developed, protects users against this latest strain even without any update.”

    NOD32. Is this the 32 bit implementation of Noddy??? 😉


  • Where is it?

    So is this where I beat up on NOddy for not tracking?

    FWIW, I managed to fill all 25 of my points alarmingly easily yesterday… although this may have been offset by god knows how many bonus points at kunfu training (and associated cycling)

    Guys, I’m on leave over the next few days, but I will be watching… waiting… reading… 😉


  • what inger’s tummy did next

    crunching my way through 20 grams of m&ms (1.5 pts) as afternoon treaties they rock – it feels like a lot of chocolate if you eat them slowly…

    My weekly totals fyi Andrew are:

    wk1 86.6
    wk2 85.2
    wk3 84.6
    wk4 84.2
    wk5 85.4
    wk6 comp
    wk7 84.2
    wk8 84.1
    wk9 comp
    wk10 83.4

    Total loss 3.2 kg – graph me! Tell me I will make it soon!

    (oh the struggle of the 10 kg loss vs the 50kg :/
    On the bright side I am one third of the way there already.)

    Been trackin’ like a mad mother (which I am at times) today. True to my pact with Andrew and Paul I am blogging everything I eat in order to be sure I track. Feel free to skip it, it already looks like it is going to be a boring week of blogs with this as content. Though I rely on you all for smart arsed comments 🙂

    So far:
    1 egg 1
    1 english muffin 2
    coffee with milk and sugar 1
    toddler party snacks
    .5 of a piece of sultana bread 1
    butter on the s.b 1
    party size sausage roll 3
    (I looked tthe sr up when I got home. At the time I thought it was only about 1.5 pts. bugger)
    2 rice cakes 1
    low fat cream cheese 1
    turkey breast 30g 1
    20g m&ms 1.5

    total so far: 13
    total allowed 20-22

    plans for dinner – something asiany. Going down to Victoria St abbotsford with my step sister to shop so will pick up something tasty and low fat.

    rock on dudes.

    How are you going with the tracking ajv? I will upload the pix soon, what is the adress to post them to the page automagically?

  • Fresh figures for Nodster

    -1.6kg last night; -5.6 for the rolling four week total. Gotta course, gotta go.


  • Don’t get too confident

  • What real men talk about.

    I meant to send this earlier but havent had time. I thought it was funny the other night. There are these three big bearded blackbelted somewhat seedy (but not weedy) looking individuals hanging around in the carpark of a Kung fu/truckdriving school (if we cannot beat you up we will run you over).

    What are they talking about? Oriental wisdom? kicking heads? Sport? Chickeebabes?

    Nope these fearsome guys are having a long and serious talk about weight loss strategies.

    I thought it was somewhat incongruous and that no one watching would have ever picked it as a topic of conversation.

  • Rolling 4 week figures

    1st 4 weeks: -5.9
    2nd: -4.5
    3rd: -5.4
    4th: -3.0
    5th: -5.2

    Noddy, can you what some trend lines in for these data? I’d be using a log or exp trend, though, as I’d hate my loss to go negative!

    What do I read from this? I am still not reaching the giddy heights of the first four weeks, although it’s not too shabby an effort for the last four weeks. The fourth data point is the only one (so far) to include two weeks where the balance went up, so is perhaps an anomoly in some respects.

    If current trends continue, by the time the 7th data point comes in (Week 11), there is no way I will be losing more than 5kg over a four week period anymore 🙁 Ah, for those halcyon daze…

    The more I play with this, the more I think that the 4 week rolling total is a better (although more sophisticated => requiring a higher level of analysis) than the week by week figures.

    Does anyone know what a small choc chip bikkie is worth (I would guess 1.5 pts). It was about the size of three 20 cent pieces stacked up on each other. Tasted quite buttery.
