Category: Weight Loss

  • wahhhhwhooooogahhh

    I just went to the City branch of WW and it was chockas. If you are going to go there i would make it so you get there extra early and still be prepared for a wait (could have made the obvious pun here). I didnt stay for the talk because i dont have that long a lunch time and without the rest of the crew of evil henchpersons it probably wouldnt be much fun.

    And i lost 1.6 k (currently weighing in at a svelte 101.6. I am a middlewight, thats where all my weight is.)

    I reckon i am going to hit my 10% target in two weeks. I say this due to my extreme extrapolative innnate statistical abilities and that i am going away bike riding and bushwalking in the Grampians with a bunch on health fanatics the weekend before.

  • A quick test

    In order to understand your best approach to losing weight here is a little personality test for all y’all.

  • Okay, stats done for Paul

    Okay, the stats are in, and Paul is likely to make BMI 25 (around 90 kg) first… around May.

    Tells me it’s time to put down the Tim Tams, crack open the unused tracker and start tracking.

  • Woo hoo!

    Down a further 2.1 this week! That is 5.2 kg on the rolling 4 week cycle! Excellent!

    Nodster, here’s some numbers for the nine weeks for me, in kg:



  • Photos – and time for more!

    I’ve uploaded the photos from a few weeks ago, but it’s week 8 for us on Monday. TIME FOR MORE PHOTOS!

    Also, if you could e-mail me your weekly weight stats, I’ll make up Excel graphs and stick them in your little area at the top of the page. Check mine out for an example.

  • This is what lots of bonus points looks like


    Clearing starts:

    Which becomes (after buying new plants to replace the dead ‘uns):

    At 6 points every 30 minutes for big fat blokes like me, the above clearing and planting represents some 36 points. I wont use it, but it’s really cool that there’s a visible outcome of the exercise points.

    Anyone is free to come along and help with weeding^wearning lots of bonus points. 🙂

  • monday meeting

    Hey folks
    I am not going to make it to Mondays meeting. Can someone make a few smartarse comments in my name?

  • Photo’s

    Hey Andrew
    When are you going to put up the photos you took at WW a few weeks back?

  • 129.5

    This is this morning’s weight, without much trying. Coupled with the planned blitz on the garden next weekend, I should be a shoe in for a weight loss.

    I gained 0.6 last week though. I don’t believe those scales as my own weighing has been pretty consistent. I think I will stick to the left hand scales, not the right.

  • I want something’s flesh!

    Luke went out to the car show last night so I took the oppotunity to cook a beef casserole….which I do maybe every six months. It took ages to cook (I am now unused to the amount of time it takes to cook meat!) so I had a small dinner with B. I told myself that I would save the casserole for lunches and freeze some. Yeah right, it smelt so good that I had a little when I took it out, then more, then more…. I calculated the damage this morning as being about 6 points over. It could have been worse but it means damage control for the rest of the week because I can’t exercise due to my purple slug-like broken toe. *sigh* – self control still an issue….