
  • Well done Inger

    Hey Inger, well done on your -2.3 kg. A fantastic effort! I’m curious as to whether you think that this is the result of careful tracking over the last three weeks (given that you’ve intimated that it quite often takes up to ten days for bad and good things to be reflected in your weight), or if you believe it was the cutting of the portion sizes.

  • How did the rest of last night go?

    I trust that the rest of the evening was a success. Should we return there in a couple of weeks for the next double figures party?

  • Easter Feaster Fiasco

    I am a bit concerned over what will happen over the easter break. I am going to the Canberra folk festival for four days and then off to a secret bush location where Master Whispy beard from Taiwan is going to teach me secret dim mak death touch techniques for a dew days.
    Canberra will be bad as going on past instances we dont cook at all and tend to forage fast food at the festival. I may have to try and bring about some change or at least go shopping so as to defray the worst excesses. And as for exercise forget it. They do have early morning tai chi and yoga but we have never made it in the past.
    As for the Kung Fu camp i am hoping that 2 or 3 kung fu sessions a day will burn off the non WW compliant food they will be having there. I did have a conversation regarding the food on the camp with Amelia one of the instructors.

    J: So how WW compilant is the food on the camp?
    A: Its compliant its all really healthy food.
    J: I am sure it is healthy but how WW compliant is it?
    A: Its very healthy pasta for lunch and a rice dish for dinner. The bacon and eggs for breakfast mightnt be but there will be cereal like corn flakes, oh and there will be pancakes one morning.
    J: *sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

    I am going to visit a Safeway and pick up some soy milk and some WW compliant breakfast cereal which is a pity as i am paying through the nose for this camp ($500 for 3.5 days). I might also grab some deserts as i am pretty sure what will be on offer might be healthy but not very good for me.

    Anyone else expecting a horror easter?

  • Rewards

    Cathi and I went shopping on the weekend. I bought a new belt, as the old one was too big. And I also bought two new paris of jeans. Unreal McBeal: I went down two sizes, from a 102cm to 92cm. Whacko!

    We also bought each other a Haig’s chocky easter egg, but, I stress, they were small ones, and dark chocolate, not milk (which has slightly less points, but I know, it is like smoking low tar ciggies)

    I have a bad feeling about tonight’s weigh in. I have not done anything bad, I just feel as though I spent the last week cruising as far as points watching was concerned.

    Are we still heading out afterwards tonight for Mr K’s double figures at last party? Of the non-bloggers, Sophie is coming, Paul is 50-50, and Michelle(? I think that’s her name! Charlotte’s first tooth has arrived, so that’s the excuse I’m using…) is definitely in.

  • Good and bad news

    Loui & Franko’s, which had changed hands in August/Sept last year, is now back in the hands of the original owners.

    This is good. Cheap, yummy Italian food.

    This is bad. Points.

    Apparently Tuesdays are now $10 days — ie nothing on the menu over $10.

  • Whoops

    I just checked the bread we’ve been using at home. Have been counting 2 pt per 2 slices. It’s actually 3.5 points per 2 slices. Whoops.

  • Noddy makes in to China!

  • No longer obese!

    I have checked on a couple of onlime BMI calcs, and I am now no longer obese! Yay! For info, here’s a list of the English language categories for each range of the BMI:

    51-60 Morbidly Obese
    40-50 Obese
    38-39 Clinically Obese
    35-37 Grossly Overweight
    33-35 Overweight
    32 Chubby
    31 Big boned
    29-30 Carrying a Bit
    27-28 Fat
    26 Nearly at size 8
    20-25 Average
    24 A bit below average
    21-23 Underweight
    16-19 Skinny
    12-15 Clinically Underweight
    11 Bony
    10 Princess Diana before she was kidnapped by a Chinese submarine
    in a French motorway tunnel
    6-9 $200 a day habit
    <6 Kate Moss Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: 61+ Black Hole

  • Apres meeting tonight?

    Are we celebrating the double figures milestone of JK?


  • As F{a|e}te would have it…

    Went to the local primary school fete yesterday. My usual reason for haunting those events is the cake stall… I fell for it, and bought a chocolate cake with spinkles and choc buttons on the icing… argh. 6.5 points for a waffer thin slice 🙁 I also substituted my lunch with a hamburger from the fete… the wheels are falling off… nooooo!!!!!! 31 points of mayhem for the day — how do I fix it???