
  • Lunch today

    In contrast with last night’s effort, lunch today was a bit of a disaster. In fact, most of today has. I had my lunch early as I was feeling hungry, and then I realized I was to go out for lunch. The second lunch consisted of sweetcorn and shrimp soup with coriander (yum) — small bowl — any guesses on the points? I’ve lumping for three, but happy to take corrections. Wine also consisted of four points of lunch. Or, I think I got that the wrong way around. Lunch also consisted of four points of wine. Bummer dude.

  • WW Desserts & mousses

    Came across sachets of WW mousse and desserts in the jelly section of the supermarket.

    The Choc WW mouse is superb. On Saturday night, I whipped it up according to directions, then I got some fresh strawberries, halved them, and stirred them in through the mousse. Popped the mix into two parfait glasses into the fridge for 90 minutes and I reckon it was one of the nicest desserts I have had in years.

    The Strawberry mousse is surprisingly nice. I have found that sometimes strawberry things can be overly sweet, but the flavour is subtle. Very nice.

    The mousses make two serves per sachet, and each serve is worth one point. With the strawberries, it is 1.5. I think I will ditch the Nestle tubs in future for these things; much much nicer, and not counted as a sugar point!

    We have not yet made up the desserts (I got a rasperry and a choc one) although each sachet only makes one serve, and each serve is 1.5 points. The esteemable Mr Kosky said that he tried the reaspberry one the other night but was not overly impressed. We’ll get through the rest of these this week; will report as it happens.


    PS Inger, the choc mousse + strawberries is a good way to get 0.5 pt of fruit!

  • too many carbs maketh the woman

    Thx for the data Ajv – my first reaction was “September – no way!” but then – september is better then never isn’t it? At leas it is before my step brother’s wedding. My step sister (not the one getting married) and I have a pact to “lose it” by then as it is bound to be filled with blonde, skinny chicks….

    boring food today.

    1 toast with 1 tspoon of lf cream cheese and vegemite 2
    left over cheese and mac 7
    capari and soda 2 (yum)
    no bacon cabonara 8 (made with egg, tomato, oinon, parsley, garlic and a small amount of feta cheese)

    total 19

    and last night I had some dry cereal because I couldn’t find the m & ms…

    (I think I see the problem I am having with weightloss btw. Not so much points but food variation. There are waaay too many carbs here. And probably too much dairy. *sigh* looks like I will have to start eating that fruit after all….)

  • New stats up

    Inger’s stats are now up as well.

  • I think this might work

    Check this out:

    I think it might help!

    Anyway, to finish all of today off, so to speak, here goes:

    1 pack of sugar free gum 1 pt (should be zero, but most people don’t eat them, nor do they get through a whole packet in a drive to work)
    raisin toast 5
    long black 0
    small serve beef strog on mostly rice … too delicious to be anything other than around 10 points
    WW bar 0.5
    WW tiny meal of something vaguely like airline food 4.5
    whole pack of sakatas 4
    fruit muffin with smidge of butter 3 or 4 points. Delicious. Let’s call it 4.

    29 points. I could feel the WW meal wasn’t going to cut it. If I’m going to have those in future, I might double them as it’ll be better than having a whole packet of sakatas and a fruit muffin to get rid of the munchies.

  • the daily scare report

    Hey good one Andrew. I am worried about your sugar free gum habit though 😉

    I am noticing that I don’t eat fruit. I don’t hate it – I just find it boring. I wonder if this is a problem? Any thoughts?

    one egg, poached 1
    piece of toast, no butter with vegemite 1
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    .5 ish cup of rice 2
    chicken curry 5 (rather disgusting, I didn’t finish it. I checked before I ordered that it was not cooked in coconut milk or with ghee. They are obviously what usually makes bought chicken curry worth eating…)
    homecooked mac and cheese, WW style 8

    total: 18

    Under today to make up for the bit of overclocking on Tuesday. Though I might have 20gs of m and ms if I can find them later, with a cup of tea.

  • Mutually Assured Fubar

    Well, I’ve been busy. Honest.

    Monday 27.5 points (tracker is at home, doh!)
    Tuesday 25 points (ditto)


    two WW bars 3 points
    earl grey tea
    pasta with tomato based sauce and greek salad 6 pts
    lots of sugar free gum 1 pt – I ate lots and lots
    earl grey tea
    low fat mini-pizza 10 pts (i ate the entire thing, 270 gm)
    2 mini-crunchies (any ideas? – they’re like 12 gm each)

    Today so far:

    1 pack of sugar free gum 1 pt
    2 slices raisin toast with a smear of butter 5 points
    black coffee

  • just to bore you shitless

    Hey Andrew – what about our pact dude?!

    Today I ate:
    leftovers of curry 5
    coffee (milk and sugar) 1
    a salad roll with feta cheese (made it myself)6
    caffe latte, skinny 1
    meatballs 2
    lentils 3
    rice 2

    total 20pts.

    (and she was *still* hungry)
    (sorry, brendan insisted on my reading TVHC about 10 times tonight. If only I could be a catapiller. On saturday he ate “one piece of chocolate cake, one icecream cone, pne pickle, one slice of swiss chees, one slice of salami, one lolliepop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and a slice of water melon….”)
    (but then again that night he did have a big stomach ache)

  • Wow

    Quote from an article:

    “According to Stanford the virus has been spreading with alarming speed internationally, and has already caused significant damage. The advanced heuristics featured by NOD32 act like artificial intelligence and detect the activities of this virus. Consequently NOD32, which also picked up 90 percent of the recent Bagle and Netsky viruses before patches were developed, protects users against this latest strain even without any update.”

    NOD32. Is this the 32 bit implementation of Noddy??? 😉


  • Where is it?

    So is this where I beat up on NOddy for not tracking?

    FWIW, I managed to fill all 25 of my points alarmingly easily yesterday… although this may have been offset by god knows how many bonus points at kunfu training (and associated cycling)

    Guys, I’m on leave over the next few days, but I will be watching… waiting… reading… 😉
