
  • Good gnus

    I dropped another 2.1 kids last night. This takes me down to 9.2 for the year to date, and 5.4 for the last four weeks

  • Self indulgence

    Hey fellow trapped in a prison cellulites
    Are any of you finding exercise (those of you who exercise) any easier?

    I did a 2 hour black sash session yesterday and while at the end of it i was certainly tired but not as devastated as i would have been prior to WW. I am quite ready to admit that some of that could be just positive thinking etc but i am not sure. Mind you going to yoga 3 hours later might have been a mistake because i am a bit tired today and the legs are a bit sore.

    I think the next experiment may involve going on a reasonably long bike ride (all of you are invited) and see if i survive that any better.

    ps Hanging Rock Food & Wine Fest next weekend. Calorie Purgatory here i come. I may play the no weigh card next Monday.

  • Stats

    I lost 1.2 kg this week, total loss of 7.1 kg. Woo hoo!

    What is more interesting is the rolling four week figures.

    Week 0 -4 I lost 5.9 kg
    Week 1 – 5 I lost 4.5 kg.

    I still think that this is a better way of viewing weight loss; Nodster, I’d also be inclined to do this with the measurements we took last night!

  • What we will not do when Noddy loses 57kg

    I had a dream this morning. I dreamt that Noddy had reached his goal weight, and so we organized a big shindig to celebrate. We hired out a church/community hall, and invited heaps of people along. For some reason, Noddy was insistent that Michael Bolton be the live music act, so we got him along too, but it all turned a bit sour when it became apparent that he was lip syncing. Rule number 1 for artists lip syncing: never leave the microphone to pick up a choclate bar wrapper and still have your singing come through the PA. The Luke had orgaized a video show of Noddy, through the various stages of weight loss. The first video clip that Luke had was when Noddy was a volunteer firefighter, and was on a roof rescuing a cat. All of the usual safety lines had been set up, but Noddy slipped, and fell off the roof. The lines caught him, and he swung into a tree, which then fell over and landed on a BBQ where it caught fire. I don’t remember anything else, because I woke up then trying not to cack myself laughing…

  • Exercise buddies

    Hey rapidly diminishing blips on the calorie radar

    If any of you need an exercise buddy then i am up for any form of exercise that doesnt involve throwing, catching, batting or any of those stupid ball sports (except for 10 pin bowling and pool). So if anyone wants to do a bike ride, bush walk, inline skate (i have 2 spare sets of inlines) swim (esp surf), scuba dive, canoe, run repeatedly into a brick wall or whatever then i am your EB/personal trainer/drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket (You filthy donut eating scum sucking maggots give me 10).

    Alternatively all of you are welcome to join me in my own exercise endeavours:

    Monday ; Pilates (down the rd from WW)
    Tuesday ; Kung Fu
    Thursday ; Kung Fu
    Saturday ; Kung Fu
    Sunday ; Yoga

  • Photo time

    I’ll bring my camera. But if someone else could bring one as well, that’ll be good.

    We also need a tape measure.

    I’ve not had a good weekend. The cold is playing havoc with my emotional eating triggers and I’m finding myself without excuses why I didn’t do the right thing. Let’s just say that carrot cake was involved and be done with it.


  • One more thing on costs

    Since I’ve been on the scheme, I’ve found that I’m spending less on incidental food during the day. THe company that owns the vending machine outside the building is spewing though.


  • New desserts

    Just a quick note to let everyone know that there is a new range of Nestle desserts (Safeway, anyway). There’s about 6 or 8 flavours, this morning at shopping, I picked up one: blueberry crumble yoghurt. Be interested to see how they compare with the mousse/creme caramel type desserts…


  • How many points is this?

    Last night, Cathi and I went out to this excellent Japanese hole-in-the-wall in the city. We figured the points on those dishes. Then, we went to a cocktail bar recommended by fellow WW Nicole in Fitzroy. Would be interested in points estimates for the following cocktail (“Smoke and a pancake”)

    Frangelico, creme de something, cream, plus crushed ice and possibly a few other goodies, I think gin or wodka. Then, get some rich dark chocolate mousse, and roll it up in a crepe. Then, place the crepe with mousse into the cocktail to let it soak in. YUM. A day’s worth of taste bud exhilaration anyway!

    My choice was a little less extreme: wodka, dark chocolate with caramelised sugar dropped in, on ice, layered under cream, and classily served in a Boag’s beer glass.

    After that, we found this highly seedy pool hall where we played a few frames, and were probably lucky not to see at least one murder or drug deal go down. Anyway, estimates on the points by those better booked than yours truly would be appreciated! Also, how many bonus points does pool get you? More than a ride on mower???


  • Blah blah blah

    Hey Inger,

    It is worth it. It is is hard, but it is worth it. Even though I had a bad week last week, I have had to get an extra couple of holes punched in my new belt that I got for Xmas. I have to get organized and do my measurements. How would ppl feel if I brought along a tape measure to the meeting on Monday?

    And, if you are doubting that it’s worth it, then head out an have a really really rich oily meal. Last time on WW, I felt this way, and I did this (I think it was a Whopper[0] and chips or some such thing) and I found that i couldn’t finish it. Yuck-o. I could taste the oil and the fat, blurgh 🙁 And this wasn’t some Captain Haddock like battle of the consciences, either, this was just, yuck, this is *not* as enjoyable as some of the meals I have been having on WW.

    Tell you what, Inger. Keep up with it, and when there is at least one article of clothing that you have to get rid of as it is now too big, let us know, and we’ll have a bonfire somewhere.

    We had the Book 4 chicken breast filled with spinach and parmesan cheese earlier this week, and it ROCKS.


    [0] Why did they name a hamburger after Page 3 girls anyway??? [or was it the other way around?]