
  • All hail the Nodster!

    So Charlotte was sick last night. And we took her to the Royal Childrens’ Hospital. Which meant that we did not get to cook up the Turkish pizza. So we ended up going to Mc Chuck’s at the RCH.

    How many points are the salads worth we asked. [It just goes to show how insidious WW can be; we’re holding onto a sick droppy child, getting a bite to eat to keep us going, and we’re *still* counting points!]

    I pull out the phone, and ring the Oracle of junk food points, El Noddy. We found out from him the points value of the roast chicken salad and the chicken caesar salad and (this is the good bit) the points values of all of the options — chips, dressing, etc. Furthermore, Noddy was able to provide us with these details *from memory*.

    All hail!

  • Red Whine

    Yo Nodster,

    IIRC, red wine is about 1 point per glass. Does this mean that red wine is 4.3 points per bottle?

    Cabernet Shiraz (aka Big Red)

  • Food Bill

    I have found both times on WW that the bill initially went up, but then tended to drop. I put this down to the “once offs” in the first week; purchasing the oil sprayand lots of canned stuff (which we normally don’t get).

    Like the Nod, we’ve found that we are spending more on fruit and veg (often up to $70 a week at the market!!!) but weigh less (pun intended) on stuff like chocolate, chippies, and, well, choclate chip cookies! As well as meat, etc.

    We do the whole week’s shopping in one hit, and, overall, it tends to be a bit cheaper when we are on WW than when we are not.

    This time around, the amount of money we are spending has been distorted by baby stuff…

  • Blah blergh

    Don’t give up – you have so few kilogram to go (compared to me!).

    I need an exercise buddy – I’ve had none this week, and it’s going to be too hot to garden tomorrow.

    I have a cold to top it off, so I’ve comfort eaten a bit of chocolate along with the wine… I don’t expect much (if any) of a loss next weigh in.

  • blah

    I am feeling very blah this week. I wonder if it is all worth it. Somebody make me feel better!

  • chocolate is evil

    The Weight Watchers mix and match book is excellent. Two.5 good recipes out of two.5 so far. I’ve made the marinade for tomorrow’s meal, and it’s DELICIOUS. The marinade is honey / red wine / dijon mustard mix, and the meat is suffusing in it in the fridge. So that’s 0.5 / 0.5. I’ll let you know what it’s like when I roast them tomorrow.

    The pork filets in five spice and hoisin sauce on top of jasmine rice with green stuff is extremely delicious. It’s just like the grilled sliced pork I have at Vietnamese restaurants. It’s easy to make and was ready to eat in 10 minutes. Two thumbs up.

    Down side is that the sauce (involving a reduction of lemon juice and hoisin sauce) does get a bit sloppy when one is enthusiastically stirring to avoid sticky brown mess on the bottom of the pan.

    So there’s this bottle of red that I had to open for the sauce. It’s going down a treat. How many points is 2/3rds of a bottle? Good thing that my total points for today = 7 + 4 + 6 = 17. I hope that 2/3rds of a bottle is like 10 points.

    And Jacques, my food bill went up. But it’s not quite the same – I’m shopping for two instead of buying for one. But the quality of the food I’m eating is also up.

  • More or less

    Hey Folks
    A quick poll. With weight watchers are you psending more or less on food than you used to? Or is it that you are spending more at Safeways and less at Eagle Boys Pizza?

  • pre-meeting

    Thought I’d try an entry before my first meeting in two weeks and then one later today, after the weigh in. I am ready to face my demon – an anticipated gain of about 1kg. I was 73.8 at the last meeting after a loss that week of 2kgs – mad. I deserve what I get – you can’t eat hunks of parmesan cheese and not pay for it!!

  • Jamie Oliver has a blog

    I wonder if there’s a Oliver translater somewhere, so put in the unnecessary “darlin’”‘s and so on. It does have a pretty picture of him, though.

  • Time for monthly photos

    When I get home tonight, I’ll upload the first week photos (which aren’t very good).

    We need new photos – it’s been a month. We should also take measurements. 🙂

    If you’re not coming to our meetings, please e-mail the photos to Inger or myself and we’ll upload them.

    I’m vanderaj at greebo dot net, and Inger is at inger at mewburn dot net.