1 Jan 2001 (updated 1 Jan 2001) »
It’s great not using computers for days at a time. I’ve managed to log on and check my mail so irregularly, that it’s started to annoy some of my friends who seem to expect near instant response.
house cleaning
I’ve archived 140 MB of e-mail from the last six months and cleaned out all my folders. Then to top it off, I defragmented my hard drive.
I’m sure you’re all impressed with that.
new year’s
Had a great time at lukem and his wife Inger’s last night. Got totally wasted on evil “champagne cocktails”, which, okay, involved sparkling white wine but also involved vodka and cranberry juice, and a later more evil one involved alcholic raspberry cassis. This inebriation saw me trying to make Inger the world’s smallest G&T, as she gave me a shot glass. It dawned upon us both that she wanted a shot of gin to add to the tonic, not a 30 ml G&T.
Domain Chandon, the Australian outpost of Moet and Chandon produce excellent sparkling white wines. I’ve been a fan since going there for vintage in 1995 or 1996 (memory’s a bit fuzzy :-). They have excellent tours and have great grounds for a little picnic or staying in their buildings for totally hedonistic afternoons. Bring a designated driver.
These last two days, I bought and helped drink three bottles of their 1997 Vintage, and quite frankly for $AUD26.95 (about $US13) it was damn close to the 1993 Moet and Chandon which set me back $80 (about $US40) we had for dinner tonight with my family. If you’re ever in this part of the world, you owe it to yourself to get some and savor it. Excellent, and even better if not pissed.