Hearty casserole

2 onions
2 rashers bacon
1 kg chuck steak, cubed
500ml beef stock (I use the ready-made one from the supermarket @ 1 point per 500 ml)
1 small sweet potato
2 medium poatoes
2 Tbsp fresh thyme
tomato paste
chopped parsley

1. Spray a cooking pan with cooking spray, and cook finely chooped onions and coarsely chopped bacon until onions are soft. Place these in a casserole dish.

2. Brown the chuck steak in the same pan, add to casserole dish, and stir in 500 ml beef stock. Cook in a moderate oven for 1 hour.

3. Chope the sweet potato and potato into bite-size cubes. Add to the casserole dish, along with the thyme (or dried mix herbs, which is what I used). Cook for 1 hour.

4. Stir in 1 Tbsp of tomato paste to thicken the mixture slightly. Dish up, and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

This make enough for four generous serve @ ~ 6.5 points per serve, and is good to re-heat.


One response to “Hearty casserole”

  1. keyonia Avatar

    i think that will be a good recipe to make for my school.because it sounds very very good

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