I’ve been working on the essentials for OWASP ESAPI, and now it passes its first set of unit tests, in this case a 1:1 mapping of the ESAPI exceptions test class.
This is the first set of classes that fully passes a set of tests that is exactly equivalent to the J2EE trunk SVN. Yes, it’s one test, but it tests the exceptions thrown by every single one of the Exception classes.
This is key as ESAPI throws a lot of ESAPI exceptions when things go south. In addition to ESAPI exceptions, the PHP port will also throw SPL exceptions, such as InvalidArgument and so on as it makes sense to do so.
To get this far, I’ve had to hand hack the Authenticator, User, Logger, and Intrusion Detection classes – currently no errors are sent out by ESAPI for PHP, but give me a bit of time and it will happen. String Utilities is also partially there. Authenticator is interesting as it actually does generate strong passwords, and actually reads from the resources directory for the user’s file and decodes it into an array. However, some of these behaviors are hard wired to allow more of the Milestone 1 classes to pass tests, rather than be part of the Milestone 3 build.
I’ve started work on the RandomAccessReferenceMap class. It’s almost there; but unfortunately, I’ve got to go to bed as it’s 2 AM. It’s so close I can smell it. Once done, that class is a close relative of the IntegerReferenceAccessMap, and so there are likely to be two valid and useful ESAPI for PHP classes done soon. I’ll see if I can finish it and check it in before I have to go to work on Monday.
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