After Sat night

After pigging out Sat night and being a bit excessive with eating on Sat (turns out I have some sort of cold thingy at the moment that is making me hungry), I decided to make up some of that points free soup to claw back some points.

I made the standard soup and then decided to build it up a bit. I added a can of refried beans to the soup. This has 2 effects, firslty i makes for a slightly thicker soup as the RB spread through the soup. Secondly it adds some protein to the mix and that helps stave off hunger a bit longer. The second thing i added was a (small) handful of oversize couscous. This supplies a bit of carb that also makes the soup stave off hunger for a little while longer. I also added some basil but that just makes it taste good.

The end result is not a points free soup but still a relatively low points soup. I will probably get four or five serves out of it but at 2 or 3 at most points a serve it will still help me claw back 5 or so points a meal.

BTW Tastes pretty damn fine after all that as well.

Not expecting a good result tonight as this is my off week in my 2 week cycle.


2 responses to “After Sat night”

  1. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    What is oversize cous cous? never heard of it. Sounds like a brilliant soup though.

  2. Jacques "Calorie Amusement Park" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “Calorie Amusement Park” Kosky

    You get it from the African foods stand at Vic Market. It is expensive but a bag of it does go a long way food wise.

    I was just thinking that it shouldnt be called my ‘off’ week as i am unlikely to lose anything. Accurately it should be called my ‘on’ week and next week where i may lose something will be my ‘off’ week.

    Soup very good. Worth a try.

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