OSCON 2006 – See you there!

Just a quick note as to the quietness of the blog. I’m working on a few things:

  • my slides for OSCON (webappsec 150 tutorial, and updating my Ajax presentation to include the latest research and make it a bit more (ahem) controversial to liven things up)
  • doing demos for the above
  • my slides for OWASP Melbourne, July 2006 meeting (this coming Wednesday! Details)
  • reconstructing my work laptop
  • the OWASP membership packs and other executive director project items
  • administrating Aussieveedubbers
  • writing a fresh Ajaxy UltimaBB installer
  • writing a proposal for a workable security architecture for PHP 6 which I want to present to Chris when I go to OSCON, and maybe earn myself an audience with Rasmus and the other PHP luminaries to discuss it over a beer or two and thus decrease my trolliness to those folks.

and plus Tanya would like my body sometime as well. I’ve given up TV. Woe is me!

See you at OSCON 2006.

I’m also making an appearance at BlackHat and Defcon, and will be in SF in between those two conferences, and possibly in Salt Lake City before OSCON (depends on work). If you want a Thawte Notarization for the Web of Trust (free *real* fully trusted S/MIME certificates!), please bring photocopies of your photo ID and I’ll do it for free.


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