Category: Weight Loss

  • Rewards

    Cathi and I went shopping on the weekend. I bought a new belt, as the old one was too big. And I also bought two new paris of jeans. Unreal McBeal: I went down two sizes, from a 102cm to 92cm. Whacko!

    We also bought each other a Haig’s chocky easter egg, but, I stress, they were small ones, and dark chocolate, not milk (which has slightly less points, but I know, it is like smoking low tar ciggies)

    I have a bad feeling about tonight’s weigh in. I have not done anything bad, I just feel as though I spent the last week cruising as far as points watching was concerned.

    Are we still heading out afterwards tonight for Mr K’s double figures at last party? Of the non-bloggers, Sophie is coming, Paul is 50-50, and Michelle(? I think that’s her name! Charlotte’s first tooth has arrived, so that’s the excuse I’m using…) is definitely in.

  • Good and bad news

    Loui & Franko’s, which had changed hands in August/Sept last year, is now back in the hands of the original owners.

    This is good. Cheap, yummy Italian food.

    This is bad. Points.

    Apparently Tuesdays are now $10 days — ie nothing on the menu over $10.

  • Noddy makes in to China!

  • No longer obese!

    I have checked on a couple of onlime BMI calcs, and I am now no longer obese! Yay! For info, here’s a list of the English language categories for each range of the BMI:

    51-60 Morbidly Obese
    40-50 Obese
    38-39 Clinically Obese
    35-37 Grossly Overweight
    33-35 Overweight
    32 Chubby
    31 Big boned
    29-30 Carrying a Bit
    27-28 Fat
    26 Nearly at size 8
    20-25 Average
    24 A bit below average
    21-23 Underweight
    16-19 Skinny
    12-15 Clinically Underweight
    11 Bony
    10 Princess Diana before she was kidnapped by a Chinese submarine
    in a French motorway tunnel
    6-9 $200 a day habit
    <6 Kate Moss Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: 61+ Black Hole

  • Apres meeting tonight?

    Are we celebrating the double figures milestone of JK?


  • As F{a|e}te would have it…

    Went to the local primary school fete yesterday. My usual reason for haunting those events is the cake stall… I fell for it, and bought a chocolate cake with spinkles and choc buttons on the icing… argh. 6.5 points for a waffer thin slice 🙁 I also substituted my lunch with a hamburger from the fete… the wheels are falling off… nooooo!!!!!! 31 points of mayhem for the day — how do I fix it???

  • tonight is going to be bad.

    Given that i have been crook all week and unable to exercise combined with 1 launch and a big dinner of greek food Saturday night i am dreading my date with destiny and the scales tonight.
    Mind you though i did go on a 3 hour bike ride yesterday to get rid of the guilt from the Greek food. Sadly though this seems to have driven me back into unhealthiness.


  • Blow out!

    Wow, I worked out the UniHouse committee lunch yesterday. 30.5 points for the day, so 5.5 over my limit. And they were bad points; lots of sugar.

    To try and compensate, I headed out to the wilds of Curtain Square at 9:30last night and did the TCC empty hand form. JK — any idea how many points the full form (in an embarrassingly rusty manner and fast 22 mins) is worth?

  • We are nowhere near this!

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  • take the (nearly skinhead) bowling

    Today I did much better – even got all my fruit down! I had a moment at 3:30pm where I thought – “hmmm. snackie cakes” but then remembered my banana and had that instead. This got me through until teatime at 7pm and I didn’t snack while I made dinner either.

    I think I might be a convert to this fruit thing. We’ll see how it goes on the scales though….

    Don’t know if everyone is reading the comments on J’s post about a below 100kg party and going bowling. So far it is looking like Sunday is the most likely day and bowling in the evening. Since J has yoga (your fitness regimen astounds me Jacques!) at 4:30pm how does 7pm suit? Either Crown or Melb central have the facilities.

    My food diary is in the extended bit for those that can be bothered>