Category: Weight Loss

  • Trends

    I gained 0.2, but given the major blowout which happened, frankly I am surprised it was not more.

    Some interesting notes:

    * this is only the second week in which I have gone up
    * this is only the second week in which I have been slack with tracking (the first week was when I went up)
    ( this is only the second week that I have not pigged out on the WW Choc crisp bars (the first week was when I went up)

    Here’s my four week trends:

    Week 0 – 4: -5.9 kg
    Week 1 – 5: -4.5 kg
    Week 2 – 6: -5.4 kg
    Week 3 – 7: -3.0 kg

    This tells me that I am losing weight still, despite my setback last week, and that the rate at which I am losing weight is slowing. I need to lose another 2.8 kg to hit my 10% goal. Based on these trends, I am predicting that this will happen in Week 9 or Week 10, probably Week 10.

    Once I have another three or four data points, I suspect that the gradient will be sufficiently shallow for me to even make a long range predicition about when I should be hitting the top of my goal weight range.

  • portion smortion

    I lost a poofteenth of a kg last night. Although I was happy that I didn’t go *up* I am a bit disappointed that after vomiting/being sick for 2 of the days I might have done a little better. On Saturday night we went out to dinner and I couldn’t finish my beef curry it was so *huge*…I ate about 2/3 of it but it was probably enough to do the damage…that and the fact that I kept stealing chips of B’s plate….

    So back on track today. I resolve this week to keep an eye on portion sizes, especially for things like pasta and rice. I actually measured my pasta serve into a cup this afternoon rather then visually doing it and I must say it was significantly smaller then the portion I had estimated.

  • I am a black hole.

    I am also expecting a bit of a weight gain or at least no weight loss due to a weekend of culinary debauchery.
    Fri night was not too bad but i may have done some damage with the cheese and chocolate platter.
    Saturday was ok.
    Sunday was a full on BBQ with chips dips and pate. I ate a fraction of what i once would have but the Haig chocolate frogs were a sore temptation. I was hoping to get home early enough to work my guilt and some calories off on the exercise machine but instead i stayed out till about 12.0 – 1 ish.

  • This week will be nasty

    I’m expecting a weight gain this week. However, it’s mainly my own fault.

    Tues and Wed were fine.

    Thursday was Uni House committee meeting. I calculated how many sandwiches I could have and I think I went over by 1/4 of a sandwich, which was OK. But then the second course for lunch came out. There I am faced with a choice: some pieces of pear, or fine old vintage cheese. Whoops, I went for the cheese, and chased it down with a rather nice cab sav. I did however, politely decline the chocolates (the same ones we had at our wedding)

    Friday I was in Sydney for a professional association type conference. More sandwiches there, but lathered with butter and the like. I didn’t feel as though I could stand around scraping off condiments when I was trying to be professional, so I had them. Probably one or two too many. I also had a coulple of choc chip cookies for morning tea. The kicker, though, was the choclate mousse dessert. Whoops again. Tried to make up for it on the flight home by declining dinner.

    Saturday was not so bad; I ate fairly well, but miscalculated the number of points of K-Time twists (I thought 1.5, they were 2), so I ended up slightly over for the day.

    Yesterday was a complete disaster. 7.5 points bacon, egg and muffin breakfast; 10 points worth of choc chip muffins in the afternoon, a full WW meal in the evening (24 points already), plus assorted nibbles throughout the day. Ouch.

    However, my resolve is back. One of the key features of last week was not I was not fully and accurately tracking my points. Time to get anal again.

  • bulimia

    I had a pretty interesting day with B today (see here for exhaustive details) which involved a huge amount of vomit. Thus I had no problem sticking to the program. Now I know why all those models who “purge” have no trouble being waifs – it’s the smell…. I was wondering if you could bottle “eau de toddler milk puke” for use as an appetite supressing inhaler so you could walk through the chocolate aisle in the supermarket without flinching?

    btw – lost 1.2 kgs over 2 weeks and now am back were I was, at nearly 3kgs down. At this rate Paul and I will reach our goal weight together…. but at least the trend is down, I can be patient. Thanks for the support guys, I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for all of yous 🙂

  • Good gnus

    I dropped another 2.1 kids last night. This takes me down to 9.2 for the year to date, and 5.4 for the last four weeks

  • Self indulgence

    Hey fellow trapped in a prison cellulites
    Are any of you finding exercise (those of you who exercise) any easier?

    I did a 2 hour black sash session yesterday and while at the end of it i was certainly tired but not as devastated as i would have been prior to WW. I am quite ready to admit that some of that could be just positive thinking etc but i am not sure. Mind you going to yoga 3 hours later might have been a mistake because i am a bit tired today and the legs are a bit sore.

    I think the next experiment may involve going on a reasonably long bike ride (all of you are invited) and see if i survive that any better.

    ps Hanging Rock Food & Wine Fest next weekend. Calorie Purgatory here i come. I may play the no weigh card next Monday.

  • Stats

    I lost 1.2 kg this week, total loss of 7.1 kg. Woo hoo!

    What is more interesting is the rolling four week figures.

    Week 0 -4 I lost 5.9 kg
    Week 1 – 5 I lost 4.5 kg.

    I still think that this is a better way of viewing weight loss; Nodster, I’d also be inclined to do this with the measurements we took last night!

  • What we will not do when Noddy loses 57kg

    I had a dream this morning. I dreamt that Noddy had reached his goal weight, and so we organized a big shindig to celebrate. We hired out a church/community hall, and invited heaps of people along. For some reason, Noddy was insistent that Michael Bolton be the live music act, so we got him along too, but it all turned a bit sour when it became apparent that he was lip syncing. Rule number 1 for artists lip syncing: never leave the microphone to pick up a choclate bar wrapper and still have your singing come through the PA. The Luke had orgaized a video show of Noddy, through the various stages of weight loss. The first video clip that Luke had was when Noddy was a volunteer firefighter, and was on a roof rescuing a cat. All of the usual safety lines had been set up, but Noddy slipped, and fell off the roof. The lines caught him, and he swung into a tree, which then fell over and landed on a BBQ where it caught fire. I don’t remember anything else, because I woke up then trying not to cack myself laughing…

  • Exercise buddies

    Hey rapidly diminishing blips on the calorie radar

    If any of you need an exercise buddy then i am up for any form of exercise that doesnt involve throwing, catching, batting or any of those stupid ball sports (except for 10 pin bowling and pool). So if anyone wants to do a bike ride, bush walk, inline skate (i have 2 spare sets of inlines) swim (esp surf), scuba dive, canoe, run repeatedly into a brick wall or whatever then i am your EB/personal trainer/drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket (You filthy donut eating scum sucking maggots give me 10).

    Alternatively all of you are welcome to join me in my own exercise endeavours:

    Monday ; Pilates (down the rd from WW)
    Tuesday ; Kung Fu
    Thursday ; Kung Fu
    Saturday ; Kung Fu
    Sunday ; Yoga