Category: Weight Loss

  • what Jacques and Inger did next…

    After a virtuous and filling lunch of chicken noodle soup at the vietnamese noodle house, Jacques and I went to “Max Beerbum’s chocolate bar” at Queen Vic. What a fantastic chocolate experience is to be had there. A shared pot of chocolate fondue and six strawberries a piece was worth every bit of its 4 points – and one of those is a fruit point and all!

    We highly recommend – as Jacques says : “A sin shared is a sin halved”

    mmm - strawberry - chocolatey goodness.jpg
    mmmm – strawberry chocolatey goodness…..

    smaller j.jpg

    Jacques in chocolate heaven

    inger - death by chocolate.jpg

    I get a little over excited … (can you blame me?)

    On a more serious note – this is the type of chocolate experience that the ww magazines always crap on about – small on quantity, big on quality. Really satisfying without too much guilt (in fact none if it is budgetted for eh?)

  • tonight

    Hey Folks
    By my calculations tonight is night 15. does that mean that we should be having a photosession?

  • more rounded then ever

    mmmmm…..easter eggs. Now I have to be in ‘povo mode’ with my points for the reat of the week. But it was worth I tell you – worth it!

    How was your easter Jacques?

  • bunch o lard arsed slackers

    Hey Bloblular Ones. What happened to Tubbies. I have been away from the net for a week or so and where are the new entries?

    Did anyone go to Monday WW session and if so what did i miss?

    Should we be doing the photo thing next Monday? (week 15 by my count)

  • Some cryptic Xword clues to yell out

    Excellent example of an epitaph for a pig!
    They steer from the pulit, not the cockpit!
    Abortive, but without odd bits of cheese
    Fail to beat with a wrist action
    Flippant friends get upset over drunk

  • Blowout

    I felt rather crummy last night, so I had a carb and dairy blowout. The work situation is pretty rooted, so it was one of those emotional things. Like Nicole, though, I found that the extent of the blowout was limited by feeling incredibly full after only getting about 66% of the way through the planned gorging. I still ended up +7.5 points for the day.

    Hot tip: Felling shitty about your work situation, and then going home to watch the DVD of “The Office” is a combination that leads to emotional triggers and wanting to blow out. Avoid. I might mention this at the next meeting.

  • 2.3 less of me.

    The only good thing about having to bail last night was that I had a ww compliant dinner of baked beans on toast 🙂 It really was a 2 parent job that toddler evac, it took two verbatim renditions of “where the wild things are” with Luke doing the sound effects to get him to stop *screaming* all the way home….

    ….tired and hungry is a deadly combination, as us ww-ers surely know…..

    Thanks for the praise guys. To be perfectly honest I haven’t been tracking with the same zeal as I was for the last couple of weeks. Call it superstition but whenever I write down every last thing I put on weight! I put the success down to the portion size at night thing as well as eating fruit (when you think about the old metabolism actually it makes sense). Also helped by the fact that I was able to get a bit of moderate exercise in now my toe is feeling better (not normal yet, but getting there).

    I *bet* I will put weight on in the coming week, its just how it works. But I am going to try to minimise any gain or keep it steady by continuing to be careful at night and keeping my carb intake to only 5 serves a day. I have also atomised the protien over every meal and try to get at least a half an hour walk in each day to try to get the metabolism moving along again.

    I took B to the zoo this morning soon I really got my walk in. About half way through the hour I bought B an ice-cream but this did not present a ww challenge. You see it was milo flavoured and his two very favourite things are milo and icecream. Everytime I begged him for a taste he yelled “No mummy! Mine! Yummy!”. Eventually he relented and let me have the most measly bit off the end of the spoon, that was a poofteenth of a point but it was yummy 🙂

    btw, I put a link to the login page on the side bar.

  • Well done Inger

    Hey Inger, well done on your -2.3 kg. A fantastic effort! I’m curious as to whether you think that this is the result of careful tracking over the last three weeks (given that you’ve intimated that it quite often takes up to ten days for bad and good things to be reflected in your weight), or if you believe it was the cutting of the portion sizes.

  • How did the rest of last night go?

    I trust that the rest of the evening was a success. Should we return there in a couple of weeks for the next double figures party?

  • Easter Feaster Fiasco

    I am a bit concerned over what will happen over the easter break. I am going to the Canberra folk festival for four days and then off to a secret bush location where Master Whispy beard from Taiwan is going to teach me secret dim mak death touch techniques for a dew days.
    Canberra will be bad as going on past instances we dont cook at all and tend to forage fast food at the festival. I may have to try and bring about some change or at least go shopping so as to defray the worst excesses. And as for exercise forget it. They do have early morning tai chi and yoga but we have never made it in the past.
    As for the Kung Fu camp i am hoping that 2 or 3 kung fu sessions a day will burn off the non WW compliant food they will be having there. I did have a conversation regarding the food on the camp with Amelia one of the instructors.

    J: So how WW compilant is the food on the camp?
    A: Its compliant its all really healthy food.
    J: I am sure it is healthy but how WW compliant is it?
    A: Its very healthy pasta for lunch and a rice dish for dinner. The bacon and eggs for breakfast mightnt be but there will be cereal like corn flakes, oh and there will be pancakes one morning.
    J: *sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

    I am going to visit a Safeway and pick up some soy milk and some WW compliant breakfast cereal which is a pity as i am paying through the nose for this camp ($500 for 3.5 days). I might also grab some deserts as i am pretty sure what will be on offer might be healthy but not very good for me.

    Anyone else expecting a horror easter?